Definder - what does the word mean?

What is HFL?

Hoes 4 Life!

I could possibly be gettin it in with a 29 year old with a girlfriend, OH YEAH H4L (HFL)!

👍29 👎11

HFL - meme gif

HFL meme gif

HFL - video


HFL - what is it?

internet slang standing for 'hump floor laughing' root- rofl. but this is the more dirty version.

exampleOFsN: why did the chicken cross the road
otHerSCREEnName: idk why?
exampleOFsN: because he wanted to get to the other side
otHerSCREEnName: hahaha!! LOL!! hfl!! hfl!!!!! hfl!!! rofl!!! lmfao!!! HFL HFL HFL!!!

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What does "HFL" mean?

A Hot Fat Lesbian having Sex.

Hiya friend, we just got done having HFLS, you missed out!

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HFL - what does it mean?

AIM slang: Humps Floor Laughing

yourSN: omg hahaha HFL HFL HFL

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HFL - meaning

Acronym: Hot French Lesbian Sex

"Anyone up for some HFLS?"

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HFL - definition

HFL means "hoe for life"

Mayne she fucked 10 guys she a hfl !

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HFL - slang

a lesbian who just had sex for the first time

She is a HFLS

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How Fucking Lucky

"I got into Starcraft II beta."

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Homies For Life. good friend, a slang term for a gangster friend in a 'i-got-yo-back' sense.

you're my HFL, I <3 you HFL, let's be HFl

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Hoodie For Life
When a girl is so ghetto you just can't date her anymore.

guy 1: hey man, what happened between you and Jazmine?
guy 2: i broke up with that ho man.
guy 1: aw man, how come?
guy 2: she's hfl.
guy 1: aw, shit.

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