Definder - what does the word mean?

What is yamil?

A very nice sweet kind beautiful smart girl who doesn't know it. Guys fall for her since she's nice and beautiful. She sings and or plays insturments. She gets good grades and is considered a good kid. She loves her friends and will do anything for them. She had high hopes and day dreams alot about becoming famous or really popular.

Wow! I wanna be just like Yamil.

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yamil - meme gif

yamil meme gif

yamil - video


Yamil - what is it?

Sexy ass Asian boy

Classmate (damn look at that Darcy ass Asian boy I think his name is yamil)

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What does "yamil" mean?

Talented beautiful girl. With beautiful brown eyes who wait your heart skip a beat.Often misjudged and made to seem like a terrible person, but in reality she’s a sweet heart. Will do anything for her friends, and loves with everything she’s got. Someone you don’t want to let go of. Heart of gold, filled with happiness and the most out going person you’ll ever meet.

Who is that? oh that’s Yamil!

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Yamil - what does it mean?

The kindest person you will ever know, with a heart of gold. He would do anything for you. And is extremely handsome. Fun, loving, loves to laugh and is a great friend.

Yamil dnve

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Yamil - meaning

The kindest person you will ever meet. He is very nice, funny, and sweet. He will do anything for his family and friends.

I want to be like yamil

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Yamil - definition

Is a loyal chick but is still a bad bitch, She beautiful but people hate and tell her other wise but she can be a best friend when you need her the most

She plays around and one of the toughest bitchest you ever gonna see, If you see one of her...Cuff her up end of story

Yamile is Amazing

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Yamil - slang

A kind hearted person who will always do her best, who brings the best out of you, and before you know it. She has your β™₯️

I bet her name is Yamile cause she’s out of my league!

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A funny pothead who usually has curly hair. Shy when you first meet her but becomes too comfortable after. Likes to party but prefers to stay home. Lit ass person.

girl: I want to go out but I rather sleep
boy: You sound like a Yamile

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A beautiful quiet woman she is very kind yet sometimes sassy

Wow look at Yamile She looks pretty

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A curvy slim petite girl who is extremely HOT. Might look mean from first glance. But has the most adorable personality when you have encounter her. Has the greatest smile. She is into long-term relationships and she's loveable and passionate. The true meaning of wifey material. She is the most trustworthy friend you can ever have and she is also very intelligent in all that involves the arts such as music, drawing, design, dancing, and writing. Teachers love her and students hate her. She is beauty and brains. Overall, a really really great person. Regarded by most as best thing thats ever happened to them. Oh yea the only downfall is that she's usually pretty much taken when you meet her. So if you have a Yamiled you better never let her go !!!

Guy: Jesus, she was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Girl: Oh yea, she was an Yamiled

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