Definder - what does the word mean?

What is robuster?

The quality of being able to withstand great pressure in a stressful environment.

The robustion of our youth promises a bright future for our economy.

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robuster - meme gif

robuster meme gif

robuster - video


Robuster - what is it?

adjective; one who intends on being "up front" and "personal" with every conversation physically and vocally. Usually is heightened when alcohol is involved.

Eric Thinks:"Why is such a drunk, robust, cockstrong individual?"

Derek i robust?

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What does "robuster" mean?

Big tittied woman

Damn, that cheerleader is robust!

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Robuster - what does it mean?

A Busty Robot.

Have you seen some robust?
No what is it?
You know how some people draw Curly Brace?
Oh! That’s what you meant.

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Robuster - meaning

1. people who cannot controll their weight

2. Robustness of the wordbig exciting/word variety

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Robuster - definition

something either strong in smell or taste, or someone strong and somewhat off-putting in character, behavior, and/or personality, also defined as something or someone that is "not faint." Sometimes used as a filler for something that cannot be put into words.

Did you see that one whore girl that goes to our school the other day? She was lookin' kinda... um... robust.

Dangggg did you taste those Doritos? They were kinda robust...

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Robuster - slang

huge in size, due to muscle strength and/or sometimes fat contents.

"Alex Norcini is the most robust player on the football team, its because of his "guns".

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To get the piss kicked out of you by a unlikely weapon or person.

That guy robusted me with a toolbox.

I robusted him that ass with a chair.

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The act of defeating someone in combat by means of unlikely, unusual, or clever means. Alternatively, to defeat someone using grossly devastating means.

See: Robusted

>>>Attention all personnel, someone is Robusting Johann in the main corridor
>Did you hear about Johann getting a toolbox to the head?
>> Yeah dude, he got fuckin' Robusted hard.

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the fractional difference between robust and more robust

The new design is much robuster than the old one.

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