Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cockburned?

Ross's last name, causing him to endure various forms of pain. poor twat.

Ross you're a cockhead, uhuh uhuh geddit cockhead, cockburn....nyah

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cockburned - meme gif

cockburned meme gif

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Cockburned - what is it?

The raw burning on your dick after you've been masturbating for hours.

Dude, I've got Cockburn from last night.

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What does "cockburned" mean?

Friction burns on a penis caused by dry vagina due to prolonged sex episodes.

We fucked so long she gave me cockburn.

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Cockburned - what does it mean?

A Person. One who is Self absorbed and a conceded idiot. Is annoying and must always return and remind you how great he thinks he is. One who always one ups your story with bullshit lies. Doesn't care about anyone else but them-self. Doesn't go away no matter how hard you try. Just like a "cockburn" you

Go CockBurn or go home.

He really cockburned that attempt, but still failed

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Cockburned - meaning

a sore on the penis usually caused by friction.

I need to put some penis-cream on my cockburn after sex last night.

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Cockburned - definition

1. Rubbing the tip of a penis on carpet or other rough surface to cause rash and irritation.
2. The act of pubic hair causing a burning rash and sensation on the the penis.

1. Her pubic hair was so coarse it gave me massive cockburn!
2. You gotta fuck till you feel the cockburn mother fuck!
3. Ride threw the cockburn
4. Cockburn got me off work for a week!

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Cockburned - slang

COCKBURN!-- A "COCKBURN!" is a word used to aknowledge that someone has just been screwed over, made fun of, or hustled. A "COCKBURN!" is something you either mumble under your breath, or shout out in excitment. The term cockburn! will come to you-- you can make it what you want. Trust me, you will know when you have been "cockburned!" We are so grateful to Mr. Patrick Cockburn for giving this word meaning, and life. We must also aknowledge Mr. Hamz-- none of this would be possible without Hamz.

sidenote: cockburn! has nothing to do with the terms "cock" or "burn" ... it's just one swift word-- cockburn!

Sarah: Hey... rough day?
Hamz: I got stuck in traffic today, ran out of gas, was late for work, and stepped on gum with my new shoes.
Sarah: oooo, cockburnnn... (mumbling)

Sarah: (Walks into the restaurant and trips)
Nima, Hamz, Sharghi, Natasha, Misha, Siymack, Baharak: COCKBURN!!!!!!!!! (shouting, pointing, and laughing)

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Masturbating at a fast speed without lubricant, afterwards leaving a rash on the penis.

Guy 1: Dude i was beating off so hard last night, i woke up with a cockburn.
Guy 2: Man, that sucks, those hurt so bad.

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a condition which arises when a mans pubic hair extends onto his shaft like sideburns - prevalent in italians and other typically hairy nationalities.

Guy #1: I'm hoping to get a bj from this slut tonight.

Guy #2: Well you better trim your cockburns or the poor girl might cough up a hairball.

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To be completely and utterly destroyed in argument or debate.

User 1: Video games take no skill
User 2: The definition of "skill" disagrees with you.
User 1: I don't care.
User 2: Then you're not even fit to argue about language. Piss off you twat. You just got cockburned.

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