Definder - what does the word mean?

What is yule log?

Occurring on Christmas eve, when a man and a woman have anal sex, when the man is about to nut, the woman takes a shit, and the man cums all over and inside the shit, creating a yule log appearance.

I gave Susie the yule log last Christmas eve.

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yule log - video


Yule log - what is it?

A shit that leaves your asshole burning long after you have left the bowl.

That Thai food I had yesterday made me drop a few yule logs this morning and now my asshole is on fire. Think I'll have to skip school.

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What does "yule log" mean?

n.- A thick, frozen feces stick, made by taking a large, gooey turd, wrapping it in plastic wrap, and placing in the freezer. The yule log is, when hardened by freezing, employed in masturbation.

I saw your mom lick the yule log last nite after she stick it in her coocheroo.

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Yule log - what does it mean?

a satisfying poop that one takes during the holiday season.

James: Hey, where's Tom at?
Corey: He's in the washroom dropping a Yule Log

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Yule log - meaning

Taking that massive post Christmas eating binge dump.

I’ll be yule logging after Christmas dinner.

All that egg nog made my Yule logging experience a little wet.

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Yule log - definition

When a person celebrates Christmas by taking a #2 in their fireplace.

"I'm gonna go drop a yule-log" "Wait, don't shit in the fireplace!"

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Yule log - slang

Wrapping a Christmas bow around your penis and placing it on a female (or male) companions face.

Dude, I totally gave her the Yule Log last night!

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Yule log

A shit log that is encrusted with undigested green vegetable matter interspersed with blood clots from hemorrhoids.

Man, I have to stop eating so much broccoli with cheese. I was bunged up for days until I finally gave birth to a yule log.

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Yule log

one definition may be: The first large defecation on or around Christmas that occurs when the following conditions are met 1. in a state of euphoria from various ingested substances 2. large quantities of heavy food have been consumed 3. on Christmas vacation 4. great sense of relief and renewed optimism follow the event

Tidings and joy everyone, I have broken out the yule log, let's rejoice!

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Yule log

the huge dump that one takes during the holidays because one eats way too much

#1: i need to use the bathroom, excuse me.
#2: i wouldn't go in there, i just dropped a yule log bomb...

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