Definder - what does the word mean?

What is w Rizz?

Someone who got mad game.

Damn I see you Adam Zolnierowicz you have such w rizz because you pulled brooke

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w Rizz - video


W Rizz - what is it?

Attracting bad tingz by doing nothin

Stanley has W rizz, attracting Claire

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What does "w Rizz" mean?

pulling girl without having to do much

damn leon you really got that w rizz

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W Rizz - what does it mean?

when you get all the bitches

i have w rizz

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W Rizz - meaning

you can pull other human species towards you and flirt

yo he just ran up to that girl and got her number he has W rizz

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W Rizz - definition

w rizz

the ability to take the beloved heart of a female without having a big dick... that is w rizz

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W Rizz - slang

The ability to attractive so many females without doing to much

Damn Justin I see you with that W rizz!

Ya know it!

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W Rizz

The ability to get hoes without trying to much.

Damn Daniel,I see you with the W Rizz

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W Rizz

class a rizz, you pull the most girls/boys

you know how to flirt

w meaning win, good at doing something

jason: bro i put my arm around her and she didn’t take it off or pull away!
dylan: you got w rizz!

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W Rizz

When someone can pull girls easily without trying too hard.

Damn Alex you’re w Rizz getting all the hoes

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