Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the DONK?

The sound supposedly made when inserting something into ones ass.

I think I'll do something with this random object. Eh... *donk*

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the DONK - video


The DONK - what is it?

A nickname for a dude with a monstrous cock

Make sure Donks doesn’t wear any shorts. Last time we went to the pool, my girl couldn’t keep her eyes off that thing.

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What does "the DONK" mean?

(verb) The act of sticking something in ones ass; donking

Hey, where's that random objected? Oh, that's right, I donked it.

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The DONK - what does it mean?

A Male persons lower region (in other words the cock)

The size of that donk, phew

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The DONK - meaning

Sound of instantly erected penis hitting the down side of your office desk in following situations:

1) a hot female colleague has just entered into the office just to say hello or ask something
2) a male colleague/pal of yours has just sent you a web link with hot pics you really like

1) Oh, dude, Bridget dropped in early today wearing that red miniskirt again... I'm sure she could hear the DONK clearly this time, man!
2) Yesterday Gerard sent me a hot chick link and I really went.....DONK!!!!!

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The DONK - definition

Contrary to American definitions refering to female Australia "Donk" refers to a males cock. Makes for humorous listening to Soulja Boi's song "She Got A Donk".

She wont be laughing when i drop my donk in her arse.

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The DONK - slang

Another name for a butt of a typical african or latina woman who has a thin figure, except when it comes to her butt. Her butt is typically symmetrical in width and depth, and typically has a very deep butt crack.

In the words of Soulja Boy "She got a donk donk shake it shake it on the floor."

Damn Brad, look at that hoe! She's got a donk donk!

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A Game In Rhythm Heaven Fever

Have you got a perfect in Donk-Donk

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When a girl's ass is so big that you can see it from the front.

(also be-donk-a-donk-donk)

1. Damn, that bitch got a nice be-donk-a-donk.

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That weird shit with the metal people and the blimp.

Donk-donk. Donk-donk. Donk-donk. Donk-dwonk! Dit-dit-duh-dit-dit-duh-dit-dit-duh-BOOM!

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