Definder - what does the word mean?

What is The fuckin?

An expression of enthusiasm and agreement: short for fuckin' ABSOLUTELY.

"After the final, we should grab a couple sixers and some herb and stop by the Delta house."
"Fuckin' a, man, fuckin' a.

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The fuckin - video

The fuckin - what is it?

Fucking assured, a boisterous affirmation.

"Is that your car?"
"Fuckin-a! Isn't it sweet?"

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What does "The fuckin" mean?

1.Used to emphasize a word or phrase.
2.Can be also project different emotions.
3.Can be inserted between words or syllables.
4.Possibilities are endless.

O Fuckin' K, U Fuckin' S of A, all Fuckin' right, Semper Fuckin' Fi, Booty Fuckin' licious, Dyno fuckin' mite ect.

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The fuckin - what does it mean?

A useful phrase when a friendly conversation has reached a lull.

"-so I told you that bitch was goin' to the club tonight?"

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The fuckin - meaning

"fucking affirmative" derived from military radio communication. One would say affirmative but in the heat of battle "fucking affirmative" then "fuckin a"

Do you need air support? Fuckin A!

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The fuckin - definition

"Fuckin' Awesome"

Can be said in good or bad context to indicate a positive or negative reaction (respectively), but no matter how it's used... it still means "Fuckin' Awesome"

1) -Holy shit! I passed English!
-Fuckin A, man!

2)Fuckin A, I can't believe I won.

3)Fuckin' A!... somebody finally wrote a decent definition for "fuckin' A"

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The fuckin - slang

Fuckin' A means: 'Absolutely'. Or 'Damn straight'. To make the same statement, Aussies say "Bloody Oath" (or maybe 'kern Oath' if my sources are correct). There is no need to parse it to try to figure out what the 'A' means. It just is. All this 'awesome' and 'can be either positive or negative' comment is crap.

Fuckin' A.

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The fuckin

When things are strangely going too well, that you feel that something bad is going to happen.

My makeups gone well tonight, well sh*t it’s the fuckining.

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The fuckin

Strong exclamatory agreement, often to an unusually concise or precise statement or proposed course of action.

This is the correct spelling - beware the overformal 'fucking a', taking time to pronounce the g is a profanity faux pas and de-emphasizes the strong expression of agreement - you might as well say "jolly good show", queerbait.

Also beware dropping the apostrophe for the omitted g, just because we're using profanity doesn't mean we need to do it like an illiterate.

Ripley - "I say we take off, and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure"

Hudson - "Fuckin' A..."

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The fuckin

The fuckin is an object you cannot describe.

My engine is leaking oil. The fuckin is the cause of the leak.

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