Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sozzled?

Near to being fuddled.

I got so frickin' sozzled Saturday night, I was near to being fuddled !!

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Sozzled - what is it?

A cute way to say you are sorry

Ted "ouch my foot" Jess "Oh sozzles" Ted "Thats ok"

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What does "Sozzled" mean?

Drinking heavily with members of your family.

1. I'm going to St.Louis this weekend and my sister and I are going to be sozzling.
2. Dude, at my mom's birthday party we were sozzling so hard.

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Sozzled - what does it mean?

Sorry - feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone

Typed that fast, many errors sozzles.

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Sozzled - meaning

Another way of saying 'sorry'

Person 1: Dude, you just ate my last cookie.
Person 2: Sozzle.

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Sozzled - definition

Sozzled means intoxicated.

Hennessey got me sozzled and trippin

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Sozzled - slang

under the influence of any substance heavily.

he just hit that wet like a champ. I bet he is completely sozzled.

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A way to apologise.

Sozzles about that, I didn't mean to.

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The action of placing ones penis in the mouth of an unconscious person, whilst consuming a small pork sausage.

First used by the homosexual porn star 'Mr Milkman', in his porno 'Little Willy'.
Filmed in 2010, at his penthouse flat, in the dorking getto; using KFC buckets as props.

Small pork sausage, sozzled

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To be highly intoxicated; Drunk. Primarily used in European countries.

The amount of excess alcohol that he had been drinking had made him sozzled.

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