Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dorking?

A girl may call a guy a dork if she likes them or finds them attractive

Guy: okay goodnight
Girl: goodnight dork

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Dorking - what is it?

My adorable girlfriend

You can no longer tell me you’re not a dork because now you are literally the definition of one

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What does "dorking" mean?

A person who is being silly and goofy.

Someone who suddenly becomes wiers and act silly. It's used in a sarcastic and funny way.

Kpop idols are such a dorks

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Dorking - what does it mean?

Someone who can be themselves, is funny, cute and sweet.

You're such a dork!

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Dorking - meaning

A term of endearment used by a girl for a boy she thinks is smart, cute, and funny. Often used when she's trying to remain casual or is too shy to let him know.

Boy: *flirtatious joke*
Girl: "Dork."

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Dorking - definition

Someone who has odd interests, and is often silly at times. A dork is also someone who can be themselves and not care what anyone thinks.

You are such a dork.

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Dorking - slang

a person in which is both academically inclined and fans over things, also is silly and clumsy.

"gosh they are dorks".

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Video Games:
When one is 'dorking' a game, he/she is playing for extensive periods of time in order to achieve a goal, status, or rank.

1: Dude, you're only a level 2.
-- Two days later --
2: I'm up to 54.
1: Wow! You must've been dorking it!

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just hanging out,not really doing anything,zoning

i had the day off so i wasjust dorking

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Used in conjuntion with the sport of snowboarding. The process by which an unexperienced snowboarder finds himself unable to traverse the slope correctly, and must slide down horizontally, facing down the slope without turning, thus "dorking" the run. This rubs off powder and moguls enjoyed by qualified boarders and skiers.

Look at those two dorking the run.

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