Definder - what does the word mean?

What is NARLY?

- A certian degree of amazement.

That is one Narly Poop.

Florida is such a Narly place.

Jon has such a narly personality.

👍85 👎203

NARLY - meme gif

NARLY meme gif

NARLY - video


NARLY - what is it?

A sexual act done in the men's room stalls.

Bob groaned in pleasure as the goon in the next stall reached over and gave him a narly.

👍81 👎181

What does "NARLY" mean?

A usually pleasant, yet versatile ajective that can be used on many different levels ranging from calm and chill, to extremely jazzed to the point of skull implosion.

"Dude, that Bowie shirt is rather narly."

"WOAH! Where did you get those narly zebra Chucks?"


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NARLY - what does it mean?

Usually used to say "cool" or "nice man!"

"Damn boy! that's pretty narly!"

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NARLY - meaning

An asshole.

A drug addict dipshit asshole that likes to fuck over everybody and cheats on his girlfriend that he supposedly loves.

When you're in a bummy a** recording studio nodding off with thots and ignoring all your ANDROID phone calls because you're too strung out on dope to talk you're being narly and a fucking junkie.

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NARLY - definition

The narliest word for cool!

That's so narly, man!
Tottally narly, dude!

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NARLY - slang

discusting lucrid habit.

that girl sets a Narly example. Man that tuna wasNarly.

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narli means something is ultra cool, it is the best of its kind. It is a surfers term

this surfers term is often used to decribe a huge perfect wave! "that is a narli wave"

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a commonly misspelled word for gnarly

wannabe 1: Dude, that 360 aerial kick flip was so narly!!!!!11111!!11!
sk8r: Yeah, brah. But it's gnarly.

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and no it doesn't mean cool, it means insane, when surfers say "that was a narly wave" they are saying it was insane and diffucult not that it was cool. narly is a word used to evoke an amazement that is slightly negative.

"That test was NARLY dude! I'll be lucky if I pass!"

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