Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Kinsey's?

All around beautiful person with an even more beautiful personality. A Kinsey is a girl that you meet once in a lifetime so if you are lucky enough to find one, never ever let her go. Get you a Kinsey ASAP. Her beautiful gray, sometimes blue, sometimes green eyes will take your breath away.

Dang, that’s a Kinsey, better keep her

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Kinsey's - meme gif

Kinsey's meme gif

Kinsey's - video


Kinsey's - what is it?

An awesome, super-fashionable person who is not the best speller, but is always there for you!

oh, thats kinsey

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What does "Kinsey's" mean?

A very beautiful girl. She helps everyone coming her way. She got one big booty and loves dogs. She likes to hang around every gender. All guys want her.

Boy1:oh my she’s a Kinsey boy2: I’m gonna go talk to her boy1:nah she’s mine bro

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Kinsey's - what does it mean?

A kind of girl that is a best friend; someone you would be lucky to know!

I found a kinsey the other day; she's pretty amazing!

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Kinsey's - meaning

Someone who is kind and gorgeous. They always make your day but don't like getting dirty. Kinsey is the definition of awesome.

"Oh wow! That's totally Kinsey!"

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Kinsey's - definition

A beautiful, loyal girl. She has the prettiest blue eyes you will ever see and a big ol' booty. She's the type of girl to be your best friend. She says exactly what's on her mind at any time. You would be so lucky to have her around you. By far the best girlfriend you could have and one you're going to want to hold on to. She's a dime.

That girl's a Kinsey. I HAVE to have her.

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Kinsey's - slang

The strongest woman you will ever know. Once you have her in sight, you won’t want to let her go. She’s a loyal, fun, bubbly person to be around. Everyone will want her as theirs. Once she is yours, she is YOURS. She’s got a poppin’ booty & nice, long, shiny hair. She puts people before her in any given situation. She has a golden heart and doesn’t let just anyone take it.

Damn, I gotta have a Kinsey

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Kinsey, she’s such an amazing girl that when you meet her you wanna scream IM SO FREAKING JEALOUS she will make your day when you see her she thinks she’s not good enough but really everyone wants her she’s beautiful in every way

Girl: Ur SuCh A kInSeY
Other girl: No U

Girl: No U
Other girl:ReVErSe CaRd

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Person who is tired of looking up their name and finding sexual stuff

Kid one: omg have u searched Kinsey's name on the internet

Kid two: yes

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She is a very feisty but yet hard working girl,she is known to be a bit of a little bitch,she is very loyal and never fake and will stand up for anyone,she has one of the most mindful hearts,would never want to disappoint a kinsey she can make your life a living hell if you betray her!

Kinsey said stop crying and get yo ass up because your amazing!

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