Definder - what does the word mean?

What is skeeling?

The extremely-limited (and not very good at even those few sectors of knowledge, according to his former boss, Hassan --- "Achmed...! You have worked for us for T'REE YEAHS, and you STILL haven't keeled INFIDEL ONE!") number of "employment-marketable" experiences/capabilities that Achmed originally possessed before he met the Wilson family. After he became acquainted with them and their "totally-peaceable" lifestyle and beliefs, however, the now-cheerfully-toned-down Achmed began learning to "redirect" or "channel" his use-of-explosives expertise to create lovely stone statues that he could then sell to other folks.

I never know when Achmed is gonna decide to hot-headedly make use of his assorted "job-skeels", so I always meekly ask his permission before I say anything to him, so that hopefully he won't feel so much like offing me just because I spoke to him.

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skeeling - video


Skeeling - what is it?

When your skin peels for reasons other than a sunburn.

My fingers are skeeling after staying in the swimming pool for so long.

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What does "skeeling" mean?

Being a Rรณi Skeel means you are overweight, and you built like the robot Baymax from big hero 6.

You eat burger king everyday, you damn Rรณi Skeel.

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Skeeling - what does it mean?

Slang for skeel. More often seen as the plural form skeelz

You got mad skeel on that game.

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Skeeling - meaning

Pronounciation. (Sk-eel)
A ugly ass bitch that resembles a lizard and is known to be a bro hoe.

Dat girl on myspace be a skeel fo sho.

She's a skeeeeell!

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Skeeling - definition

one who is known to give good head, sometimes thought of a homosexual.

MAN! i wish he was a skeels.
wow skeels was amazing last night.

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Skeeling - slang

The act of death due to oxygen exposure

My fish is skeeling on the floor right now

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A beautiful girl who turns her back on the man that loves her most, for another man.

"Man, he really loved her, to bad she pulled a skeel."

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the act of railing a chick while skiing

While skiing in the Rockies last weekend, I witnessed a large man skeeling a small Asian lady.

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