Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ship it's?

In computer software - it means to publish / distribute the application in its current state. Often used humurously when the software is buggy and clearly not ready to publish.

Tester - "The game crashes whenever you attack an enemy"
Programmer - "Ship It!"

👍483 👎131

ship it's - video


Ship it's - what is it?

A boat. That's all it should be. It's just a boat. People need to calm down with all this other crap; a ship is a BOAT. A big piece of metal that floats miraculously on the surface of the water, and usually holds people and/or cargo.

There is a ship in that movie. It was very large and it caught fire and people on it died.

👍10609 👎3143

What does "ship it's" mean?

v. the act of shoving two fictional characters' heads together and yelling, "NOW KISS!"

"I ship Rose and ten so hard! They're so cute together... if only they were a canon couple..."

👍1849 👎475

Ship it's - what does it mean?

N: Short for romantic relationship, popularized in fanfiction circles.

V: To endorse a romantic relationship.

N: I see a 'ship developing between Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.

V: I ship Ron/Hermione

👍15645 👎4177

Ship it's - meaning

A romantic relationSHIP between two people or characters. You shouldn't ship to people that are already in a relationship, because they really don't need it.

Lu : Hey , Lilly, I really ship Error and Ink!
Lilly : ok
Lu : I also ship Dust and Blueberry!
Lilly : ok, I get it...
Lu and I also ship Geno and reaper!
Lu : and-
Lu : why you weren't adopted by anyone
Lilly : what about our parents- wait... I'm adopted!?!?!
Lu : yeah, my parents weren't that smart.

👍79 👎17

Ship it's - definition

A term used to describe fan fictions that take previously created characters and put them as a pair. It usually refers to romantic relationships, but it can refer platonic ones as well. (Just think of "shipping" as short for "relationSHIP".)

It generally uses the initials of the characters shipped or a combination of the names, though this is not a rule.

AM shipping
Ash & Misty shipping

👍4437 👎1115

Ship it's - slang

A verb used to describe the action of wishing for two people to enter a relationship (whether romantic or occasionally platonic) in books, movies, tv shows or real life. Shipping can often happen involuntarily, and it is the majority of what happens on the website, Tumblr. There are some very popular ships, some unpopular, as well as often lots of controversy between ships from the same fandom.

"Do you ship Klaroline, or Steroline?"

"Omigod. I am definitely shipping Olicity."

👍831 👎157

Ship it's

The act of one wanting/supporting two individuals involved in a romantic relationship

Person 1- Will and Nico would be so cute together

Person 2- Shipping?
Person 1- Shipping!

👍1599 👎309

Ship it's

The act of taking two fictional or non-fictional characters, and personally wishing for them to either be in love, or for them to have sex.

The term has many background terms.

If you are a person who wants to characters/people shipped, you are a shipper.

The term is changed to "Sailing Ship" whenever the ship that was made becomes successful. For example: two fictional characters falling in love after multiple ships of said characters were made.

"Jesus Christ, my hormones are shipping Cait and Frodo so fucking hard right now."

"Never knew that Rick and Michonne's ship would sail."

👍187 👎29

Ship it's

usually two people who you ship. meaning that you either want them to become an item, kiss or enter into a romantic/sexual relationship or all of the above. usually when you ship someone, you smile when they interact somehow or become extremely giddy when they do something together.

person: i totally ship dean and castiel!
person 2: no way, me too!
person 3: i don't ship them that much. i ship castiel and meg more, to be honest.

👍2627 👎363