Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ol' lady's?

originally used by the hells angels biker gang to refer to the hoes that where aloud to hang so long as they where willing to fuck anyone in the gang. now days it just means girlfriend

"my ol' lady can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch"

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ol' lady's - video


Ol' lady's - what is it?

Ole Lady refers to a woman whom your relationship status lies somewhere between girlfriend and wife. It projects commitment and still rolls off the tongue better than "That's my girlfriend."

Buddy: "Dang Dale! Who's that you've got hanging on your arm there?"

Dale: "Oh man, you haven't met my ole lady yet now have ya?"

👍29 👎11

What does "ol' lady's" mean?

A female Love interest you can see yourself growing old with.

This is my ol lady.

I am about to take my ol lady out for our anniversary.

👍29 👎11

Ol' lady's - what does it mean?

a girl that you talk to or someone you are with

joe:who that girl is

bobby:mayne thats my ol' lady

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Ol' lady's - meaning


keep playing wit me nd ima fuk ya ol' lady

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Ol' lady's - definition

Adj. - A term used in the pipe, construction, welding, and fitting field for a persons girl friend and/or wife.

“Yeah me and the ole lady went down town this weekend and got us a room at the Hilton.”

👍49 👎19

Ol' lady's - slang

your girlfriend; lady.

That's my ol' lady right there.

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Ol' lady's

Ol lady. Or girlfriend to someone in a club or mc. Most commonly know as property which means she belongs to 1 specific member but being property of the club all members are expected to defend her and her honor from anyone who seeks to demean or insult her

This in my ol lady well kill u over her

👍105 👎35

Ol' lady's

A girlfriend/wife or someones mother.

Das ya ol' lady huh?!

Nah, my ol' lady won't let me.

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Ol' lady's

the woman of a mans dreams

she is my ole lady and i love her madly

👍319 👎85