Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mft?

My Fucking Type:That girl you always wanted to fuck but she wouldn't let you so you fuck all the girls that look like her

Dude i just saw this total MFT

👍25 👎17

mft - meme gif

mft meme gif

mft - video


Mft - what is it?

Mood for today

Yo! You seen that cardi B video? That's my mft

👍25 👎13

What does "mft" mean?

mutha fuckin true

Ty:so you wit her now?
Rees: she moved out because, she thought i cheated on her.

Ty: so MFT. thats what hoes will say and do.

👍27 👎13

Mft - what does it mean?

Acronym - meme formatted text. A format using meme-esque font.

Noun - the format of which memes unaccompanied by a picture are recorded.

The meme was in MFT, so you could trust it was legit.

👍27 👎13

Mft - meaning

MFT( monogamous fun time ) - No holidays, family funcitons, double dates, or work parties are expected in the arrangement. The goal is for both parties to enjoy in the sins of the flesh with each other alone which allows a balance of emotions in everyday life with individuals who are between certain stages in life.

Jack and Jill were at the same stage in life where they focus on individual objectives while not having a future idealistic relationship. The best option for Jack and Jill was the MFT.

Jack and Jill had a MFT going on that was awesome, lots of sex!

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Mft - definition

Mother Fuckin Tight

Yo, that touchdown was so MFT! or We lookin MFT right now!

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Mft - slang

MFT stands for My First Tour.
It is a mild insult, as something or someone that is MFT is an amateur/ inexperienced / stupid.
Therefore, doing an MFT mistake is doing something dumb which only an amateur would do.

'What kind of #MFT guitar players do you find in guitar shops in America >:('

-The tour bus broke three times, the heating wouldn't turn off.
- Way to start the year in true #MFT style !!!

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Motherfuckin' Try

Red cup, blue cup - splish, splash! Runnin' the table! MFT!

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Metric Fuck Ton

I just at an MFT of food.

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Master File Table (MFT)

An NTFS system file on NTFS-formatted volumes that contains information about each file and folder on the volume. The MFT is the first file on an NTFS volume.

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