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What is Metric Fuck Ton?

A metric fuck ton it worth about double a shit ton give or take. Used when describing something of mass quantity.

Bad: damn man I pulled my back I was lifting a metric fuck ton

Good: damn man I pulled this guys back when he was lifting me up I weigh a metric fuck ton

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Metric Fuck Ton - video


Metric Fuck Ton - what is it?

A Metric Fuck ton is at least 600-900 of anything. While a Shitload is only 400-500 of anything.

I got a metric fuck ton of sandwiches.
How much fucking bread do you have Gabe?

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What does "Metric Fuck Ton" mean?

Unit of Measurement: A Metric Shit-Fuck Ton is Metric Shit Load multiplied by a Metric Fuck Ton
Adjective: An amount of any substance, product, space or people that exceeded a rational thought and reasonable description.

Example: 2 Metric Shit Loads x 7 Metric Fuck Tons = 14 Shit-Fuck Tons

1) "Bro! Do we have enough booze for the party tonight?" , "Yeah Dude! We got a Metric Shit-Fuck Ton!"
2) "Hey Buddy! Is there enough room for the new Foosball table?", "Yeah Buddy! There's like 3 Metric Shit-Fuck Tons of room!"
3) "How much stupidity can one person posses??", "Judging by his actions, I'm going to say a Shit-Fuck Ton..."

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Metric Fuck Ton - what does it mean?

A measure of digitized data approximately 10 gigabytes in size

Sir Dansbury Wimbledon purchased an electronic reader in so that he may peruse his collection of portable document files which totaled just over 1.2 metric fuck-tons

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Metric Fuck Ton - meaning

A massive amount of something

Dude last night I accidentally stepped in a metric fuck ton of dog shit.

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Metric Fuck Ton - definition

A whole lot of something.

Fred: Check it out! I had a party last night and now I have three full trash cans of beer cans to recycle!

Steve: Wow. That is a metric fuck-ton of aluminum cans.

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Metric Fuck Ton - slang

1) An unimaginable amount of something; so much of an object, item, or substance that it is so immeasurable it cannot be classified as a fuck ton.

2) A lot more than an 'Ass Load' or 'Shit Ton' or even a regular fuck ton.

A whole fuck ton of people watch Sunday night football, but a metric fuck ton watch the superbowl every year.

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Metric Fuck Ton

Slightly more than an Imperial fuck ton. The exact measurements of the metric fuck ton are unknown, owing to the fact that the term is generally used to describe an indeterminately-large quantity of something.

That pizza you left on the floor last night is now covered in a metric fuck ton of ants.

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