Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gmg?

Roleplay (RP) oriented term. God-Modding Gary-Stu.


A perfect wannabe MALE character who is the best of the best, strongest of the strong, related to the most powerful or one of those super gorgeous emo vampires that wants no one but everyone wants them....

Yeah...that bullshit.

Counterpart to GMMS (God-Modding Mary-Sue)

One could say that Edward Cullen (Twilight) is a GMGS.

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gmg - meme gif

gmg meme gif

gmg - video


Gmg - what is it?

Good Morning Gaga. May be used instead of the more boring "Good Morning", Especially when addressing a fellow monster.

GMG! How is your Monday going?

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What does "gmg" mean?

gmg means getmoneygang which was created by lord syykrazy. gmg is not a gang it’s a lifestyle. gmg is above all groups to ever exist .

wake up it’s time to do gmg rolecall

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Gmg - what does it mean?

Gurnisht Mit Gurnisht. A Yiddish phrase meaning nothing and nothing. Used very commonly with Hatzolah Members after to responding to a call that sounded serious but was in fact nothing to write home about.

Shloymi, what was the deal at that MVA? It sounded serious over the air. I didn’t hear you call for ALS tho.

Nah, it was a GMG

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Gmg - meaning

GMG as in Gagging Mafioso Grabbers

A term for copy cats in the software industry. Companies without visions that grab, mafia style grabbing.

O my, those gmg's copied us again.

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Gmg - definition

Get Money Gang

Bitch we 74 EBK GMG 4 life!

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Gmg - slang

Go Mean Green. University of North Texas fans might abbreviate "Go Mean Green" to be represented by a simple GMG.


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GMG is a Filipino expression which means "Google mo, gago!" It roughly translates to "Google it, you fool" and is an apt response to people who are asking about things where in fact, they can hit Google and do a simple search. Popularized by renowed journalist, poet, and jazz frontman Lourd de Veyra in a graduation speech he delivered in 2012.

Alice: Who's Jennifer Lawrence, by the way?

Bob: GMG!

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an acronym for Guy Magnet Girl. a word used to describe a girl who naturally seduces men.

she is such a GMG! i always see her with different guys.

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gmg means geeze my god
kind of like oh my god but different...

GMG... No way, I can't believe it!

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