Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Lourd?

Lourdes is a beautiful girl with sparkles in her deep blue eyes she is impulsive and sensitive she has an exsplosive personality her hair is like silk though the boys dont even notice what there missing if you have her never let her go she will do amazing things you would be lucky to stand by her side.

Lourdes is the most amazing person i wonder why I didn’t notice her before

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Lourd - meme gif

Lourd meme gif

Lourd - video


Lourd - what is it?

The most fertile and the most motherly;extremely intelligent due to experiences as a mother.....
usually the most beautiful of all women,

Since I have two kids I am considered Lourdes, plus I am not ugly! lol

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What does "Lourd" mean?

Hottest girl in the world earth, has freckles,an unusual but beautiful hair colour and blue eyes. Often does not show emotion but when you get to know her you will fall in love. Boys fall at her feet begging to be hers. She is intelligent and independent, very trusted/loyal and is a great friend to have, any one would kill to be her friend

I wish I could be Lourdes!

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Lourd - what does it mean?

The coolest person in the entire world. You'd kill to become one of her friends.

I wish I was Lourdes!

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Lourd - meaning

Lourdes is a short girl who has beautiful long hair. Lourdes has the most beautiful eyes ever. Like her eyes are the color of carmel. Lourdes does not care what people have to say about her. Lourdes is very caring and will stand up for her friends. Lourdes is a daddy. Like everyone needs to call her that. She is such a great friend. She also is VERY dirty minded and has a good sense of humor.

"Lourdes is SUCH A DADDY"

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Lourd - definition

Lourdes is usually a very cute girl. All men are attracted to her. She make's them do a triple take. Or even more. She known to blow your mind. She has a nice body. Her best feature is her ass. She's the most sexiest girl you'd ever meet in your entire life. Extremely talented and beautiful, eyes cut from stars. Will make you laugh with her wonderful humor. Not cocky at all. She's a perfect girl/woman.

I'm dying to meet a Lourdes!

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Lourd - slang

She is a strong, independent, beautiful woman, who is one of the most humble and kind person you will ever meet. She takes charge when she needs too. She also would make an amazing mother. Great Chef, Hardworker, Amazing Mother. What else could you ask for in a person?

Oh my god! She’s just so beautiful and so kind! I wish u was like Lourdes!

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The most amazing girl ever. She’s funny and doesn’t give a shit about what others think. She can be very salty. She cares for her friends and family and is very loyal. Super pretty, you should feel lucky if you know a Lourdes

Lourdes is so amazing, I wish I was like her

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a strong independent woman who is also the sarcasm queen

Lourdes is such a Lourdes

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Lourd : Personne faisant des choses dΓ©rangeante pour d'autre personne mais en prend un certain dΓ©lecte.

C'est en sexerçant qu'on sexerce à sexerciser le sexerceur du sexerce pour devenir Lourd...

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