Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gago?

a filipino term to identify a kind person

that gago helped me with my lawn earlier this morning

👍37 👎13

gago - meme gif

gago meme gif

gago - video


Gago - what is it?

Puertorican slang for stutterer.

Hey kid are you a gago?
W-w-w-hy y-y-yes i-i-ii am.

👍613 👎313

What does "gago" mean?

Another way of saying "mahal"(Love)

Hey Yhana gago kita

👍641 👎185

Gago - what does it mean?

Gago is a word that means "handsome". It is mostly a compliment here.

"You are very gago."

"He is gago."

👍561 👎87

Gago - meaning

Pretty, unreal

Gago man ka oy yawa

👍511 👎65

Gago - definition

it means your very cuteee..

ow you're so "gago"

👍41 👎17

Gago - slang

An ancient, obsolete term for the head of the penis.

Kinagat ng babaylan ang gago ng datu.

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A filipino slang for stupid or being an asshole.

Gago! Gago! Gago! (Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!)

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a polite way of ending or starting a sentence in filipino

salamat gago
Gago ang sarap
(it tastes good)

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tagalog for beauty

you're so gago

ang gago naman

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