Definder - what does the word mean?

What is garfunkeled?

to take a giagantic shit which usually results in the bleeding of the anus

I garfunkelled in your mom's vagina last night!

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garfunkeled meme gif

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Garfunkeled - what is it?

To get rid of the less talented or useful item in a set.

The Sox will Garfunkel Ramirez when hell freezes over.

Ramirez is ungarfunkelable!

I can't garfunkel the lettuce in the salad. It's the only thing he's not allergic to.

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What does "garfunkeled" mean?

v. To impose sexual actions upon a person in a mysterious and unusual way

I Garfunkeled your mother!

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Garfunkeled - what does it mean?

A Garfunkel is the name of a loose or detached exhaust pipe from early Ford Model T's.

Shit, my Garfunkel snapped, better take this up to bob Karlโ€™s

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Garfunkeled - meaning

When a woman makes you dress up as Art Garfunkel and have sex with her.

"Hey Jemaine, want to go Garfunkeling again tonight?"

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Garfunkeled - definition

when u put ur tip on somebody elseโ€™s tip

love to Garfunkel

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Garfunkeled - slang

The more outgoing person in a pair.

Origin: refers to folk- rock 1960s duo Simon and Garfunkel. Art Garfunkel, who did not write or play an instrument, arguably was the better singer of the two. He was also more personable/talkative. In a way, the "sidekick" of Simon.

He's the Garfunkel in that relationship.

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to tag along or to be unneccessary, loosely (and wrongly) based on Art Garfunkel

Hey, can i Garfunkel with you guys

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When a woman requests her partner dress as Art Garfunkel during intercourse.

Better grab my wig, This chicks into Garfunkeling!

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when in some sort of relationship, business or otherwise, your associate or partner leaves, acheiving more success or happiness than when they were associated with you.

Dammit, I've been garfunkeled! My ex-girlfriend was miserable and wouldn't do anything with me when I was with her, but I saw her the other day, she was with her new asshole boyfriend and...well...dammit
I've been garfunkeled!

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