Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cat tongue?

An idiom meaning you’re being unusually quiet or aren’t saying much.

Also a euphemism for performing oral sex on a female.

“You haven’t said anything all morning. What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?”

“I couldn’t say anything when I was eating that pussy! Her cat had my tongue!”

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cat tongue - video


Cat tongue - what is it?

When you or someone else cannot speak verbally. Usually when a secret got told, or something surprising happened.

Example -

Person 1 - So, how was the show?
Person 2 - Um.. I-.. Ugh..
Person 1 - What? Cat got your tongue again?

Person 2 - Ugh... um.. no.. I mean.. uhh..

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What does "cat tongue" mean?

When a kitten places corn chex in her mouth chews it up slightly and blows her daddy.

Kitten Chelsea wanted to suprised her Daddy and gave him the 'ol cat tongue.

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Cat tongue - what does it mean?

To feel unwell following an overindulgence of alcohol.

I feel as rough as a cat's tongue!

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Cat tongue - meaning

It refers directly to the texture of genital herpes. But it is more commonly used as just the alternative for the words: genital herpes, or more generically, for just herpes.

As known as having kitty lips. Which is a direct reference to a woman having herpes in the genital area.

"Dude check out the girl over there"

-"Yeah, she's hot, too bad shes got the cats tongue."


-"Yeah dude, kitty lips."

"Ugh, my luck."

-- cats tongue

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Cat tongue - definition

A dislike of hot or spicy foods.

"Want any Tabasco?"
"No, cannot stand the stuff, I have a cat's tongue."

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Cat tongue - slang

The rough feeling one gets after burning the taste buds, when eating or drinking hot food or drink.

I had cat tongue for a week after drinking the hot coffee

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Cat tongue

If you don't handle hot (NOT SPICY, the temperature) food or drink well, and you have to let it cool before you try it.

It came from a literal translation of the Japanese word 'Nekojita' (猫舌), which is used to describe someone who can't handle (piping) hot food or drink.

"Is there something wrong with your soup? Do you want something else?"
"Oh no I haven't tried it yet, I'm letting it cool first."
"Oh, so you have a cat's tongue, got it."

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Cat tongue

a stubbly furgina that may result in chaffing of cheeks hips etc.

my gals got cat tongue cause she aint shaved in two days

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Cat tongue

The rough tongue feeling one gets after eating too many sour or tart candies.

Sarah was suffering from cat tongue after eating a whole box of Sweettarts.

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