Definder - what does the word mean?

What is WHFs?

Old man sex orgy

Barshoelie and swifthitter always go to WHFs together!

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WHFs - meme gif

WHFs meme gif

WHFs - video


WHFs - what is it?

pronounced "woof," WHF stands for "weathered homo face." Generally seen driving a Subaru (lesbaru) and referring to her cats as "children."

"Damn, our oceanography professor has a WHF"

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What does "WHFs" mean?

An internet meme started by Omnifrog.

"whf is going on on air?"

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WHFs - what does it mean?

A radio station that used to be good, but isn't anymore.

The neighborhood was a nice place to raise a kid a couple years ago, but then it had to go all WHFS

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WHFs - meaning

Woman Hating Fuck. A WHF is a controlling man who will tell his girlfriend or wife that she is fat, ugly, unsuccessful, etc and erode her self confidence so she feels “lucky” to have him, because he has her convinced no one else would want her. 🤮 Run at the first signs of WHF!

He’s a WHF, after he called me fat he took me to the mall to get new clothes, said not to worry about the cost, then he picked out my clothes and made me pay for them!

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WHFs - definition

One of the biggest radio stations in the DC/Metropolitan area. Launched many no-name bands into MTV stardom. Broadcasted for 36 years until it was suddenly and tragically changed into a crappy salsa station by the evil Infinity Radio corporation.

The legendary 99.1 wHFS, the TRUE alternative...

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WHFs - slang

Which Hoes Fuck?

If you can't tell which females fuck, just ask someone WHF?

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Well, hello friends!

Andreas Kling: WHF! :^)
Audience: Hello, friend!

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