Definder - what does the word mean?

What is RIGGY?

a riggy is your average hater, hating on other niggas work for no reason. Someone that hates and calls other niggas they music trash for no reason identified as a riggy.

“Yo, Kari is a real Riggy man.”

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RIGGY - meme gif

RIGGY meme gif

RIGGY - video


RIGGY - what is it?

when Rick wears long johns he gets a boner

On a cold day he got a Riggy!

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What does "RIGGY" mean?

Riggy means reason

You aint got no riggy to act jiggy, caus you aint hot, pigeon!

It means: There is no reason for you to act sexy because you are not sexy, women.

An ugly or mediocre women acts like she is Cleopatra, she is obtrusive and tries to seduce you while you are not interested. Then you say: You aint got no riggy to act jiggy, caus you aint hot!

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RIGGY - what does it mean?

The act of getting high on uppers such as cocaine and others alike.

"Man I was so riggy last night"

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RIGGY - meaning

riggy (rig-ee) | a naughty individual who also goes by the big rig, razor, and faze raze. he associates with more naughty individuals such as chatty and chubs.

"riggy was gettin' jiggy off that hoggy"

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RIGGY - definition

Two words: rabbit. Monkey.

You know what species riggy is?
Its a... rabbit... monkey...

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RIGGY - slang

A blue rabbit monkey from the channel Danno Cal Drawings


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When a guy talks a girl up, like he actually wants to date her / get to know her more. He then uses his top-of-the-line skills to get her number (to make the situation seem more believable). Once his victim has come to realize how amazing of a guy she has run into, the man seduces her and talks her into taking things to the bedroom. The man preforms at the top of his game, then leaves the girl, never speaking to her again.

Did you see Josh last night? He totally Riggi'd that girl!

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Is a megladon and has a choade and is throwed as heck and is built like a toad

Is tht a toad?
Yea its riggie

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A rabbit monkey


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