Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hoggy?

Slang for cyanide pills

Jacob, how's the speeding fine going, I heard you're going to court?
Yeah, if I lose the case I plan on swallowing a Hoggy and flip out!

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hoggy - meme gif

hoggy meme gif

hoggy - video


Hoggy - what is it?

an enormously fat woman

hoggies and grinders

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What does "hoggy" mean?

Nickname for an offensive lineman

Check out the Hoggies, those guys never wash there practice jersey. They take pride in being dirty.

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Hoggy - what does it mean?

noun: an attractive fat chick, usually appears around last call

Dude, shes such a little hoggie!

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Hoggy - meaning

Hoggy is another word for a pro, it is used to define a person who is better than everyone else

'your a hoggy you like'

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Hoggy - definition

another work for Pussy..

Last night her hoggy was real wet.

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Hoggy - slang

A blowjob. Derived from the term "Hog Wash"

"You tap?"
"Get a hoggy?"

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a fat ass joint or blunt

guy: wow he rolled up the biggest hoggy ever

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adverb: when a girl's on top and she pounds too hard

Things were going great. But then she climbed on top and got all hoggy on my shit.

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Chubby, chunky or fat, especially in regard to a female; describes a person who might be the target of a hogger or the subject of hogging. A plumper or BBW or fatty could be described as hoggy.

Drunk Guy: "Dude, I think I might try to hook up with that girl."

Sober Friend: "Are you sure you want to do that?"

Drunk Guy: "Dude, why not? She has big tits!"

Sober Friend: "Yeah, but she's pretty hoggy."

Drunk Guy: "You think so?"

Sober Friend: "Yes. Trust me. You're wearing beer goggles."

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