Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Kangaed?

When a person sits on the toilet seat backwards and aims to land his shit on the side of the bowl. Leaving a whole shit sitting there.

That kanga was poor, the shit slid into the water

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Kangaed - meme gif

Kangaed meme gif

Kangaed - video


Kangaed - what is it?

1. to do a reversie
2. 'bad' distribution in 500

1. "Fuck Robbielard, that kanga is damned nasty. Brat's gone in there and eaten it, the turd burglar he is," Wobs exclaimed.
2. "FFS, i've got a fucken kanga," muttered Von as his assbled from a metaphorical anal raping.

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What does "Kangaed" mean?

To sit facing the rear of the toilet and defaecate onto the front side of the bowel. This act is specifically designed to leave a trail, or skidmark down said bowel. It is usually carried out as an offensive gesture towards the next occupant, or the owner of the crapper. Popularised in Australia after reference on Big Brother 5.

Hey boys, check out the Kanga I left behind.

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Kangaed - what does it mean?

Similar to a "fupa", but much larger. It orginates from "kangaroo." A kangaroo has that pouch in front to carry the joey.

That girl/guy has a huge kanga!

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Kangaed - meaning

Term used when deficating outdoors in a squatted position into a hole dug for the purpose of burying the evidence.

Where's the shovel and the poo paper? I gottag kanga so bad I'm tortoise-heading after eating those muffins.

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Kangaed - definition

When someone (usually of chinese extraction) stands / squats on the toilet seat itself when they are taking a shit.

"Someone broke the toilet seat, they must have been doing a kanga"

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Kangaed - slang

a prison guard

Hey, any kangas dish you out any damage?

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money, moola, cash, currency. Used amongst tradespeople in Melbourne, Oz.

"hey benny, you got my kanga?"

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Kangaed is the past tense of the action verb, the 'reverse kanga' or simply known as the 'kanga'. It is akin to the phrase 'asskum' in 500, meaning 'bad distribution' or 'poor distribution' in hands, sometimes legitimately but often an excuse for a poor bid or overbid. Hence, the phrase, "You have been kangaed!"

1. "FMDABMP Brattislavisthma, you kangaed Abba's bog in topshelf style", uttered Premmy in absolute disbelief after exiting the aforementioned bog.

2. "'ve been kangaed", squealed ecstatically Staying Alive whilst unsure whether or not he is who he says he is.

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To Hop up on the toilet seat and squat like a Kangaroo when taking a dump. Often done out of fear of catching a VD of the toilet seat. Please note the two definitions provided by James Brick and PaddyM are actually incorrect and are discribing a Reverse Kanga, a witty practical joke that will keep your friends amused for hours)

Shit this crapper looks dirty, i better go the kanga.

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