Definder - what does the word mean?

What is JUNE 8?

Birthday of the Gemini’s😍 Bad ass bitches born this month *cough cough* Morgan

β€œDude it’s june 8th”
β€œOh it’s that bad bitch Morgan’s birthday”

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JUNE 8 - video


JUNE 8 - what is it?

the day for the mayo! celebrate by posting pictures of mayo!!!

Friend 1: hey what day is today?
Friend 2: it’s june 8 of course, mayo day!!!

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What does "JUNE 8" mean?

National Bryder Day

Normally, people ask out their crush if their name starts with the letter B!

Did you hear today was June 8th?

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JUNE 8 - what does it mean?

Write your boyfriend/girlfriend a paragraph telling them how much you love them no matter what

Girl: Its June 8the
Boy: oh yeah. *write paragraph*
Girl: * writes one back*

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JUNE 8 - meaning

June 8 is the day that Olivia Caines was born, AKA bad bitch day so June 8 is national bad bitch day

Person 1: Hey tomorrow is June 8 you know what that means...

Person 2: yep that means I’ll be wishing Olivia Caines happy birthday all do so I can be a bad butch too

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JUNE 8 - definition

June 8 the day that the sexiest mofos were born

person 1: i heard she was born on June 8

person 2: wow shes a keeper for sure

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JUNE 8 - slang

International beeing clingy day. Just snuggle yourself in your crush's arms and tell them how much you love them!

"Aye babe, its June 8 so let me cuddle chu!"

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National friends day

Happy June 8th

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JUNE 8! If you were born on June 8 YOU'RE AMAZING. People who are born on June 8 are usually shy and they have too many girls/boys on their mind. They are also really nice people and when you're down they will always be there to help you!

June 8????!!!! amazing

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The day where the sexiest bitches ever were born. These sexy beasts are also badasses so watch out.

Someone: Oh yeah I heard that Emma was born June 8!
Someone number 2: Oh okay then. That must be why she’s such a sexy beast and a total badass!

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