Definder - what does the word mean?

What is june 8th?

June 6th, 7th, and 8th are the two days you are supposed to write your gf/bf a HUGE paragraph stating how pretty/handsome they are. These are also the days you are supposed to send them a voice message saying why you love them and if you don't do this you really don't love them.

Jess~ Babe it's the week of June 6th, 7th, & 8th.!
Daniel~ Okayy?
Jess~ your supposed to write me a paragraph.
Daniel~ your supposed to write me a paragraph πŸ˜’

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june 8th - video


June 8th - what is it?

June 8th was the day the first Ghostbusters movie was released, in 1984.

Person 1: Hey, what’s the day today?
Person 2: June 8th! June 8th 1984 was the day the first Ghostbusters movie was released.
Person 1: Oh cool!

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What does "june 8th" mean?

The best day of all time ever

Do you remember June 8th 2007

Of course I do that’s the day the perfect ola herself was born

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June 8th - what does it mean?

June 8th is National Best Friends Day ! June 8th is time to treat your best friends extra special !! Tell em that you love and appreciate them !!

Girl : It's June 8th!
Other girl :

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June 8th - meaning

June 8th national kiss your boyfriend or hug your boyfriend day.

Someone, what day is it Me it’s national hug your boyfriend day where you have to hug or kiss your boyfriend . June 8th is hug your bf day

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June 8th - definition

The day short people yeet the tall kids and get revenge

Tall Kid: Hey Jef-


Tall Kid: ..RUN!

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June 8th - slang

The day where you let jordi eat your butt. So when it’s June 8th you have to let anyone named Jordi eat ya butt no questions asked.

Yo it’s June 8th so it’s national let Jordi eat your butt day let’s goooo!

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June 8th

June 8th is the day a beautiful girl/boy was born.If u know anyone who was born on this day than ur lucky.

Makeyla: β€œmy cousin was born on June 8th and I’m really lucky to be related to her cus she is the best.”

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June 8th

National slap a bitch day. If you know a bitch, you are welcome to go up to them and slap them this day.

Heather: Hey Karen, did you know it’s June 8th?
Heather slaps Karen
Karen: Why would you do that?
Heather: It’s national bitch day!

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June 8th

June 8th is National Bestfriend Day

June 8th means bestfriends day

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