Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ESPYS?

A nickname my dad gave me when I was younger (he was a rapper) I used to go on stage with him when he would preform and that’s what everyone would call me

Espy you are my muse that keeps my going

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ESPYS - meme gif

ESPYS meme gif

ESPYS - video


ESPYS - what is it?

Espi is a name that stands for Hot male around your local area. He might still your bitch.

Dam there is Espi Around your local Area.

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What does "ESPYS" mean?

I weird shortened version of the word esplanade used by middle aged people trying to be "Cool" and "Hip"

Lets go to the espy.

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ESPYS - what does it mean?

It is an adjective that can be positive or negative,and the meaning of the word depends on the intonation of your voice.

Positive/ Negative:That skirt is so espi!
Aggravation: Oh my god, can you stop being so espi?!

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ESPYS - meaning

The baddest bitch in town

Did you see Espi this morning? She looked amazing!

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ESPYS - definition

Pronunciation: 'es-pE
Funcation: Noun
n. pl. ESPYs

1. An annual award for outstanding achievement in sports given by ESPN.
2. ESPYs may also refer to the awards show. Similar to Tonys or Oscars.

Stands for "Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly".

The ESPY Awards were created by ESPN in 1993.

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ESPYS - slang

Short for Esperanza.

Hey, Espie! You rock!

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An award show where fans vote for the winners of numerous sports categories.

Ex. 1:Justin Timberlake is hosting the 2008 ESPYS

Ex. 2: Tiger Woods won the best golfer award at the ESPYS

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