Definder - what does the word mean?

What is COBBY?

the exact opposite of being the leader in a peer's group, ie, being the person whose presence noone notices.

Don't waste your time with this cobbie! He's a noone!

👍43 👎37

COBBY - meme gif

COBBY meme gif

COBBY - video


COBBY - what is it?

Just a good guy you know

This guy gave me a present yeh he's a Cobbi

👍25 👎11

What does "COBBY" mean?

A very handsome man that is kinda nice at times but in reality is very snakey. He talks to a lot of girls but all the girls think of them as a brother. Usually around 5'8 and probably wants to go into accounting. He has a hairstyle that makes all the white woman go wooo woo wooo! He has a big dick but if you find a cobby with a underarmour backpack then he has a small dick. In general anyone would be proud to have cobby as their best friend.

Samantha: Look at the cute guy over there

👍25 👎11

COBBY - what does it mean?

The most amazing individual in the entire world!!

Laura Ecob - Cobby

👍61 👎49

COBBY - meaning

A drink, usually alcoholic, at close of business (COB) time. Most often enjoyed on a Friday at 5pm

It's cobbie time!
Hey, wanna grab a cobbie!?

👍31 👎13

COBBY - definition

A type of dog body style that is, or is nearly, as high as it is long. Common "cobby" dogs include Pugs and English Bulldogs.

That dawg is as cobby as a side salad from Mickey D's.

👍47 👎27

COBBY - slang

A person who's only talent is something totally useless

Joe, you're a total Cobby, all you can do is type on the keyboard quickly.

👍49 👎27


the art of receiving oral performances whilst playing call of duty. (better if your on xbox, ps3 is for pussys)

i got a cobby the other day, still managed to beat the noobs

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The most amazing, funny, enjoyable, great to be with person I know

Cobby is da best

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If you know someone named Cobbi you are extremely lucky.Cobbi is a guy who will make you laugh during any circumstances.Cobbi is really smart and athletic. He is really good at things that you wouldn't expect him to be. But dont betray a Cobbi or make him mad.Cobbis tend to lash out when they are mistreated.

Bro,did you see what Cobbi just did,He dunked on that kid soo bad.

I cant believe she broke up with Cobbi.She was lucky to have him.

👍41 👎15