Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bum Fun?

When your girlfriend is away for the night or has dumped you, you simply poke your own arse for pleasure.

gf: sorry, no can do.. im on my period

bf: cool, guess i'd better get the vaseline. Its pokey bum fun for me.

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Bum Fun - video


Bum Fun - what is it?

a sexual act performed by two males. one male inserts his erect penis into the other males anus - cock and bum part of the scenario
whilst they both enjoy the sensations -the so called "fun" part of the scenario

"check them dirty homo's goin for a bit of cock and bum fun"

"mafanwee, i need cock and bum fun, but im the only gay in the village!"

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What does "Bum Fun" mean?

having anal sex whilst exhausted usually dripping with sweat

damon and danny enjoyed sweaty bum fun last night

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Bum Fun - what does it mean?

any anal sex that involves a penis in the ass

He has his cock in her ass

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Bum Fun - meaning

bum fun with a hairy asshole

we had hairy bum fun last night

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Bum Fun - definition

Bum=homeless person - Fun=fun

1 Bum Fun is when you go out and torment the homeless for your own amusement

2bum fun is intended for people to see how good there life really is by making fun of the homeless.

I went out and had some bum fun today.

it made me realize that my life is much better than i thought.

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Bum Fun - slang

A term describing anal sex with gay men.

Well, if being a rent boy is gonna get you bum fun, Daffyd, then I'm all for it.

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Bum Fun

Anal sex, usually referred as between two males.

"lets have some bum fun!" Terry shouted to his Father

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Bum Fun

anal intercourse specifically and also in a broader sense appreciation of the buttocks

I love bum fun both ways

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Bum Fun

To insert a penis into another persons bum

"we are gonna have bum fun later!"

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