Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bluejay?

To have coitus with a formerly attractive women that has lost her mind with cosmetic surgery

Take a look of this picture before and after surgery. I Toronto Bluejayed that stuff

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Bluejay - meme gif

Bluejay meme gif

Bluejay - video


Bluejay - what is it?

Not your typical type of girl...sometimes a crackhead at times, maybe when needed.

"Wait. what? Your name is BlueJay?!

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What does "Bluejay" mean?

A term describing the act of fellatio that is not followed through to completion; thus leaving the recipient with the proverbial "blue balls."

That dirty pirate hooker, Chanel, gave me a bluejay last night, bitch passed out before she was done!

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Bluejay - what does it mean?

Act of giving blue balls.

Much like a blowjob, but instead of giving you one she just talks about it resulting in blue balls, bluejay.

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Bluejay - meaning

Friends who can listen to all of your problem. They’re always open their arms to embrace you and gonna protecting you at all cost. So if you want to cry, don’t cry alone.

:Who is Bluejays?
:An Engene who have JAY as their bias

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Bluejay - definition

when a girl gives you a blow job but does not make the male ejaculate causing "blue balls"

she gave me a bluejay last night

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Bluejay - slang

A bitch gives you head until your dick turns blue.

I'm gonna go into the forrest with Shaniqua and hopefully get a bluejay.

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leaving an activity, event, ect. without telling anyone

Person 1:where did Micheal go?
Person 2:I dont know, he didnt say anything
Person 1:wow, what a Bluejay

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For men it's blue balls...for women it's Bluejay... (Va Jay Jay/Vagina that is blue)

Resulting feeling that a woman feels when she is denied sexual intercourse due to any number of reasons. Man cannot get it up, man refuses, etc.

God he's soo hot! We were fooling around in bed last night but for some reason or another, he couldn't get it up. Ugh he gave me a terrible case of bluejay"

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A beautiful creature that's quiet and majestic. Of all the creatures it is the easiest to fall in love with and the most rewarding to be in the presence of. Anytime spent with a Bluejay will be enjoyable and memorable. They are hard to catch but worth the time and effort.

Look at that bluejay! It's so much more graceful than the other birds in the sky. Jim dear that Cardinal isn't worth your time, you should be looking for a Bluejay instead.beautiful flight lovely bird

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