Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BLEE?

A replacement for "he, she" in the case of someone not wishing to be referred to as he or she. Also works for the replacement of him or her as blem.

Original credit to Lyle McDouchebag (, 2014-03-04)

"Blee was my friend before. But ever since blee referred to me as "he", I have been denying the existence of blem."

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BLEE - meme gif

BLEE meme gif

BLEE - video


BLEE - what is it?

When you excrete a large fetus out of the vaginal area ( u shit out a aborted child)

Kessie just had a blees

👍37 👎19

What does "BLEE" mean?

When one has Swagger; Usually decked out in Nike or Polo; presents himself/herself with confidence and superiority. Might be seen wearing two headbands but is always seen with at least one. Considered a King of Oneself.

Amazing in bed, gleaming with pride afterwards.

Man did you see Stewies yesterday? Ya that nikka was Bleeing like a muddafuxxa.

👍39 👎13

BLEE - what does it mean?

head, blowjob, etc

that bitch gives nasty blee.

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BLEE - meaning

'blee' is a word which preceeds another explaining 'surprise' , anticipation, sexual anxiety, remorse, extreme stomach gas containment, etc.. Blee may sound like "Believe" shortened to "Bleeeeve in the Lord" but can only be heard in Louisiana.

1) "BLEE, oh damn, that gas is causing me wild stomach pain
2) "Blee that Blee Johnny", heard frequently at the Monkey Cave, Miraflores, Lima, Peru
3) "blee....p.....blee...p" the sound of a horn trying to sound but running on a very weak battery.

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BLEE - definition

Slang term for a blunt (See blunt)

Gimme dat deah weed im finna roll me a blee!!

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BLEE - slang



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A blunt. Bleezy, unrolled cigar refilled and rerolled with marijuana

took a blee to the face n its overrr kidd K/O

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Found among the Royal Court of Princess Peussie and her sister Princess Fluff, the word BLEE is usually followed by JOHNNY....making it Blee Johnny; this expression of joy only happens when a member of this royal family has had a great bowel evacuation without use of enemas or colonic irrigations!

"Blee Johnny, THAT was a good blow out of my bowels"
"Here it comes and I think it's going to be a major BLEE JOHNNY"

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The sound a motor cycle makes.

Something to say to get them going... To start someone up and energize.

As the motor cycle rumbled by, it sounded like BLEE BLEE BLEE.

Tyler, get up! BLEE BLEE BLEE! Let's go!

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