Definder - what does the word mean?

What is zowi?

The Act of Wow and Zow, with an I. (Zow being a made up word but using it to sound better)
Used to substitute the everyday Wow to make it that much cooler.

Use it to bring life to a conversation.

Person 1: Hey, I just kicked someone in the testicles
Person 2: Wowi Zowi.

👍47 👎17

zowi - meme gif

zowi meme gif

zowi - video


Zowi - what is it?

a word that perverted old men aka, coots use when seeing a hot chick stone ridge girls or visitation girls. don't use this word - it's ickypoo.

old man: zowie! look at that girl. didn't make um like that when i wuz a boy.
girl: eww! perv! i'm calling the police!

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What does "zowi" mean?

a little native girl who likes spicy memes all day long :) this kind of person tends to say "BOI" a lot and sometimes just cause this little native girl can, if you find a Zowie keep her, cause she knows where to find all of the best memes!

" omg zowie! She knows where all the good memes are at my nibba"

👍29 👎15

Zowi - what does it mean?

An expression of shock, or disbelief.

1: Zowie! That dog just bit my penis off! Please call a doctor!

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Zowi - meaning

A right filthy girl in bed and a crazy drinker. Has random house parties where people get evicted the following week. Dominating and will destroy anyone who dares test her power!!

Zowie will show you a good time in the sack but look her directly in the eye and she'll kill you!

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Zowi - definition

She can make you fall in love just by looking into your eyes. Zowi is full of life and is always there for others. She is always laughing, and her smile contagious. But push her too far, and she will become your worst nightmare.

Zowi is always making me feel better. She made me smile.

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Zowi - slang

The sound that is made when Batman hits someone.

Batman hits someone, "ZOWIE"

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exclamation of wonder, surprise,delight,etc.

Zowie! a surprise birthday party.

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Zowie is a girl who is sweet, gorgeous, loyal, sexy in bed, and overall an awesome person! She is sweet on the outside and the perfect example of preppy, but on the inside she is a sexy animal waiting to pounce . She loves to sing, dance, draw, and really anything creative. If you become lucky enough to have a Zowie as your friend she will be loyal, honest, and is always there to cry on or tell her everything going on and won't judge. If you happen to get Zowie as a girlfriend, you are very lucky! She is a lovey, sexy girlfriend, always loyal, and into all the cute couple things, but don't forget abnout her sexy side, she knows how to do everything right and always leaving her partners satisfied and wanting more. She is confident, happy, never stops laughing, and if you come across a Zowie never let her go.

I can't believe Zowie is your friend she is so sweet!

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cool, reliable, uniquely hot, one of the best persons you'll ever meet and have around. don't let him/her go.

You're a Zowy.

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