Definder - what does the word mean?

What is zeeped?

spicy adult videos also called porn

i'm watching zeeps right now

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zeeped - meme gif

zeeped meme gif

zeeped - video


Zeeped - what is it?

Zeep Zorp is a popular phrase similar to lit but with a little twist. Zeep Zorp can be used in tragedy as well.

Example One of Two

Person 1: "hey it's my mom’s birthday"
Person 2:"That's pretty Zeep Zorp”

Example two of two
P1: β€œMy uncle died”
P2: β€œAww man that’s super Zeep Zorp”

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What does "zeeped" mean?

Zeep Zoop means you're a complete disappointment to your entire family

"yo, that guy over there is such a zeep zoop. Pretty sure I saw that guy stiffing chairs in McDonald's"

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Zeeped - what does it mean?

a term used when you are mentally or physically exhausted.

β€œI was going to go to the store today but I was zeeped”

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Zeeped - meaning

in a state of absolutely no stress, whilst not necessarily being in bliss

"bro I'm zeeped out rn, like a sheep"

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Zeeped - definition

A person who is acting immature or drunk-like when they are actually sober and laughing hysterically about it.

Tom is such a zeep lately; he keeps stealing my pencils and shoving them up his nose.

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Zeeped - slang

A synonym for Smeg - the rotten cheesy bit of leftovers from sexual activity or the build up from when a bloke has left it too long to wash their member.

I didn't have a shower for the whole weekend, my Zeep build up was out of control - it Stank!

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A random word used when there is nothing else to say. Often used to relieve anger. Often said for no reason at all.

Similar to zeeee.

"Zeeep! Zeep! Zeep!"

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I’m going to watch some zeeps

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