Definder - what does the word mean?

What is zakir?

a kind of guy that are so mysterious. it is so hard to open up about him. but, he is so kind-hearted person who understand a lot. good listener and soft-spoken. really likes to blame himself even it is not even his fault. he deserves better <3

i like to talk to shahrul zakir because he understand me a lot.

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zakir - meme gif

zakir meme gif

zakir - video


Zakir - what is it?

When you or your partner leave the room during sex and then re-enter by scurrying in on the floor and squeaking like a rat

Last night my husband pulled a dirty Zakir on me!

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What does "zakir" mean?

A person who loves apple more than his life, extremely spoiled little brat.

He loves apple!
Must be a Zakir

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Zakir - what does it mean?

He Has 2 friends nemed eten and rutfod and need to come to lunch

Zakir Where are you, its lunch time!
Zakir is bad

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Zakir - meaning

A gangster that fucks up right in the pussy

Be like a zakir and fuck them up

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Zakir - definition

Rooted from the Persian word 'kira' which describes a man or woman who is provisionally late to occasions, gatherings, or meetings and often defaults on promises. The more modern Arabic word Zakir describes people who are traditionally drivers of vehicles in Arabia and are rarely on time.

Zakir also describes a man who worships his teacher to the fullest and in the story, 'Zakir and Sudheesh' he even falls in love with his governess.

If I were any more fond of my teacher I'd be named Zakir

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Zakir - slang

This is a name which is quite common with muslim people, it means that a Zakir is a very beautiful and sexy human being. He is known as one of the henno gods.

Wow look at that hench over there, he must definately be a Zakir

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Zakirs usually act/talk too mature for their actual age and usually don’t like talking to people who give them anxiety their music taste is dope as fuck and they’re super sexy😍😍😍

Zakir makes me so hornnyyyy

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Zakirs can be super attractive but they can also expect a lot from others and get easily annoyed but when they’re in a good mood hanging out with them is a blast,don’t give them the aux cord as they listen to sad songs 24/7 and can find a negative outlook on the happiest things

zakir is chill zakir is so hot I wanna be friends with zakir

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A name common in muslims: meaning, One who remembers/worships, remembrance

A religious scholar is a very Zakir person.

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