Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wawy?

The water you drink after taking a dirty chop

*gasping for air* "that chop was disgusting. I need some wawi"

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wawy - meme gif

wawy meme gif

wawy - video


Wawy - what is it?

Giving the best fucking head ever. Even homies are included, no homo.

Should we wake Arturo up with some wawies.

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What does "wawy" mean?

Marijuanna--Cannabis. It kind of sounds like what the drug feels like.

Let's smoke some mawi wawi.

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Wawy - what does it mean?


Bro Stacy gave me a Wawis last night it was the best blowjob ever

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Wawy - meaning

The act of doing oral sex to a male . (Wa-wis)

There is nothing better than a wawiss to relief stress

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Wawy - definition

A not so common nickname that only belongs to one person but everyone wants to have it.

I just saw THE Wawy!

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Wawy - slang

The literal definition of wawi is the suction of the penis using the mouth and tongue also called oral sex, the functions of this act is sexual pleasure towards the affected.

Wanna go for a wawis or what?
Smash or wawis?
Girl I just gave him a wawis and it was big AF, it couldnยดt fit in my mouth
Wanna milk my calf?

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a blowjob

YO! gimme a wawis
go tell that chick over there to give you a'll work, trust me

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to be.. spontaneous, sexually.

"you were so wawy last night"

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