Definder - what does the word mean?

What is veek?

(Vee-K) adv- 'Veeking'
1. to resuscitate someones fart, very similar to mouth to mouth, but performed butt to butt.
GIR (Gastular-intestinal-resuscitation).
past tense (Veeked)

2. the act of receiving another persons' fart.. anal contact required.

-he was filling up unable to pass wind, there was no choice, we had to Veeke him.

-before the Veeker had a chance to let rip, the Veekee promptly 'docked' into position to recieve GIR.

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veek - meme gif

veek meme gif

veek - video


Veek - what is it?

He has a lisp. He has a big tounge his father is willy wonka. He is veek.

My name is veek. Hear me roar.

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What does "veek" mean?

Vicodin or any other painkiller.

I just ate some veeks and im feeling great!

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Veek - what does it mean?

motorized vehicle, meant for street use

My veeks gots tha sickest system.

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Veek - meaning

The feeling from taking way too much vicodin

I was veeked out of my mind at that show!!!!!

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Veek - definition

An awesome high school student
An intellectual who is clearly superior to all his colleagues/classmates
A trustworthy, sexy individual who is loved by all
A really sexy guy who is considered a master in bed and who gets a lot of action.
Girls fall for him at first sight and want to FUCK him hard.

Wow, that really cool, intelligent, muscular, and athletic freshman is a real Veek!
Veek is so hot but I, the hottest cheerleader ever, don't think he will like me.
Veek is so good at sex (a master, really).

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Veek - slang

n. mis-typing geek on a QWERTY keyboard mobile texting device because the buttons are so small and thumbs were not designed to work like that.

sent text: "My phone doesnt hav a pirate smiley for talk like a pirate txts so I made my own: P)"

received text: "Oh yeah...u hav 2 make a line of veek smileys."

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A word used instead of saying vehicle or car, which belongs to a geek or is filled with a geek and his geeky eternal-virgin counterparts.

Geeks in veeks!!!

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A virgin geek

Those pledges are such veeks.

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Short for video peek.
Usually, a 15-30 second video communication captured with the camcorder function of a cell phone or other handheld device. Veeks can be easily published online from cell phones through

v. intr.
The act of communicating with mobile video technology.

Dude, did you see the veek of those two crazy girls at the Jurassic5 show last night?

At first my bf was totally freaking out about my cross country drive but when I veeked him every 100 miles he chilled.

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