Definder - what does the word mean?

What is underfucker?

Me. I am underfucked.

Noah: have you seen that kid with pink hair???

Xander: yeah, I swear they're so underfucked.

👍25 👎11

underfucker - video


Underfucker - what is it?

Me. I am underfucked.

Noah: Hey did you see what that pink haired kid was wear today???

Nick: ofcourse I did. I swear, that bitch is so underfucked and needs a good dick down in their life.

Noah: Hey did you see what that pink haired kid was wear today???

Nick: ofcourse I did. I swear, that bitch is so underfucked and needs a good dick down in their life.

👍25 👎11

What does "underfucker" mean?

What my wife does to me in bed when she's really really worked up and liking it - trying to have an orgasm - she usually does it when a good man takes his time and.... well you know what comes next. But yeah underfucking is amazing if you haven't already tried it I'd highly suggest you train her up to grind from the bottom upwards. Peace.

J. Turner 10-14-21018 Nevada.

Damn.... I was underfucked so great last night by my woman.

👍27 👎23

Underfucker - what does it mean?

When a person comes up with ANY excuse possible in order to just NOT tell the truth out of sheer stubbornness.

She totally underfucked herself so hard when she refused to just let them know that she had mononucleosis instead of covid, what a stubborn bitch.

👍27 👎17

Underfucker - meaning

The person who's only goal in life is to make a public speech impossible to perform. Also known as heklers

- Every time I try to present something she is always there to sabotage it.
- Gosh, she's such an underfucker!

👍27 👎13

Underfucker - definition

A complete letdown. Something you don't want.

Yeah man, my summer is a total underfuck.

Our fuck was a total underfuck.

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Underfucker - slang

The person who does not have enough sex and is acting frustrated all the time

John: Why Becky is so annoying? what is wrong with her?

Mary: Oh, she is just underfucked.

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The act of making love to someone in an unsatisfactory way.

She complains I was just another underfuck.

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sexually deprived

1. Yo look how hard she's hitting on him... she's definitely underfucked!

2. That guy is completely underfucked. He just desperately asked her out again after she told him to fuck off for the third time...

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the person who criticizes a lot

(at a lesson a person criticizes all the time)
me: He's such an underfucker!

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