Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tiged?

A flowers stem. Thats all...

Why are you just giving me Tige??

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tiged - meme gif

tiged meme gif

tiged - video


Tiged - what is it?

Tige is that GUY. He is kinda and soft hearted sometimes. He’s hot and cold one day you get a certain tige then the next day I totally different guy. He’s sarcastic and mean a lot but it’s from love I think not sure. He had a weird obsession with knives and loves to wear fake chains. Tige is my number one supporter

Omg is that a mushroom in the air, oh no it’s just Tige.

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What does "tiged" mean?

That nigga where ever he go

Tigee got that bag πŸŽ’

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Tiged - what does it mean?

A stem.

Girl: "Hey Tige whats up"
Tige: "I'm a stem"

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Tiged - meaning

That fucken tiger who married and fucked a hurricane

β€œHey look, it’s tige!”
β€œThe one who had sex with a hurricane?”

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Tiged - definition

The commonly used nickname for the Richmond Tigers, an Australian football team in the AFL.

Go Tiges
How bad were the Tiges on Saturday

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Tiged - slang

That fucking tiger who simps over a hurricane

Person 1: Hey, look! It’s Tige!
Person 2: That bitch who married a hurricane?

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A smart, sexy and funny guy. He's super cool without trying too hard. Great sense of humor and very intelligent. Classy with great taste. A very sexy guy who is an amazing kisser.

"Wow..who is that new guy? He's a real Tige!!"

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When you are so high that you cannot feel your balls.

Sean ask his friend, "Hey man. How are you feeling?" ," Not great squadhomie, I'm feeling pretty tiged."

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