Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the mother fucker's?

One that has sexual intercourse with mothers. Also known as a MILF Hunter. Some take it as an insult, while some take it as a compliment. One of the most popular of swears in the english language.

Hey, get the fuck off that goat, you sick Mother Fucker!"

👍1403 👎935

the mother fucker's - video


The mother fucker's - what is it?

1. N. Your Father
2. N. Playa your mom's cheating with
3. N. term you use when you are angry at someone
4. N. Compliment
5. N. A term used to compare something to it.
6. N. Someone who performs sexual intercorse on their
7. N. A term many african americans use on anything.(usually with A's instead of ER's)
8. N. George Bush

1. "Your father fucks your mom, so he is a mother fucker."
2. "That mother fucker's been sleepin with yo mom."
4. "You're one bad-ass mother fucker."
5. "That shits as crazy as a mother fucker."
6. "I heard Billy is a mother fucker."
7. "Yo grab me dat motha fucka, motha fucka."
8. "That mother fucker is killing off all our troops. We need to fucking impeach that mother fucker."

👍385 👎227

What does "the mother fucker's" mean?

The most common phrase said by Samuel L. Jackson

Say what again! I dare you! I double dare you, mother fucker! Say what one more goddamn!

👍229 👎123

The mother fucker's - what does it mean?

A black person's term for anything. A white mans dude, or man.

"Yo mother fucker, lets go to the mother fucking mother fucker and hit up those mother fucking mother fuckers in the ass".
" o fo sho"

👍1663 👎1045

The mother fucker's - meaning

a comparitive expression meaning: extremely or very.
the subject is compared to a mother fucker.
can be used to emphasize any adjective.
commonly using these forms:
"(adjective + er) than a mother fucker"
"(adjective) as a mother fucker"

colder than a mother fucker = extremely cold
hot as a mother fucker = extremely hot

add the following (adj + er) words to the blank to get a feel for the versatility of this expression:

_______ than a mother fucker.

dumber, stupider, smarter, cooler, worse, smellier, harder, sillier, faster, slower, louder, funnier, duller, uglier, spicier, sharper, more boring...

👍607 👎313

The mother fucker's - definition

The Best Insult Ever!

You sick ass mo-fo!

👍151 👎65

The mother fucker's - slang

Is a noun that can represent any person place or thing.

1. That mother fucker owes me money.
2. Your party sux. This moter fucker is boring.
3. Im hungry as a mother fucker.
4. When i hit you, that mother fucker is gonna hurt.
5. Im broke like a mother fucker.

👍5187 👎1953

The mother fucker's

A term for playing a nasty joke, or getting someone back for being a douchebag, while they are having sex, preferably while they yell and grunt/moan. Their mom is secretly dialed on facetime and all of a sudden they are getting some FaceTime with their mom.

Kyle was a nice and friendly Californian, and a generally well-respected young fellow. But, as he grew up he became somewhat of a large douchebag, showing his panties to everyone and ruining other people's lives. One day, Kyle took a particularly steamy poo in the bathroom, and, being a douchebag yelled; "I'm washing my face, cocksucker!", thinking he was hilarious. But, his one-night stand did not think his steamy-poop-taking-panty-showing-ass was so hilarious. Result; The Mother-Fucker.

👍25 👎13

The mother fucker's

word that really has no meaning, because it can be used as a compliment just as easily as i can be used as as an insult. probably the most widely used curse in the english language

you are a mother fucker (insult)
you are one bad mother fucker (compliment)
man, i'm high as a muther fucker (??)
look at this mother fucker right here. (??)

👍5029 👎1455

The mother fucker's

My father

My father is a mother fucker, that's how I was born

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