Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the hooch?

Chewing tobacco commonly placed in the lower lip region. Hooch can be used as a verb, noun, adjective, pronoun, or an adverb.

Kyle: Man i really need a hooch
Josh: I like to hooch Skoal
Brandon: Ill hooch your mom

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the hooch - video


The hooch - what is it?

Alcoholic Beverage; Hard Liquor

Sara was acting crazy, she was on that hooch again.

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What does "the hooch" mean?

Throwing ice cold water on someone when they are sleeping.

I hooched that mother fucker than ran away.

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The hooch - what does it mean?

female who is slutty looking, very flirty, seems to be able to get any man she wants

Damn, Melissa is a serious hooch.

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The hooch - meaning

In prison hooch is alcohol that is made from remains of fruit fermented with yeast. Very rudimentery.

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The hooch - definition

1) an alcoholic beverage

2) an old term for a military dwelling

1) Give me a drink of that hooch.

2) If we hurry, we'll have time to stop by the hooch before chow time.

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The hooch - slang

A cast member of Scrubs who "is crazy." J.D. and Turk often speak his name aloud to incite Hooch's anger.

Yeah, Hooch is seriously crazy!

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The hooch

Hooched - someone who has intaked a lot of alcohol and has lost control of their behaviour

“Wow Tyler and kaden are so hooched

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The hooch

1 - Alcohol
2 - Marijuana
3 - a whore
4 - a dog in the classic movie Turner and Hooch

1 - Pass me the hooch, I'm quite depressed.
2 - Oh my god that hooch last night was great!
3 - What a hooch.

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The hooch

Slang for moonshine or bootleg alcohol, popular term during prohibition era; slang term for marijuana that is rarely used nowadays, popular during late 60's and early 70's.

That mob boss got arrested for running hooch.
Let's roll up some hooch before this concert!

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