Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the f-word's?

The F-word is "Fuck".. Look it up, 7 year old butt face.

"Oh fuck!!!"

"Stop saying the F word it's not allowed here!"

"Fuck you.."

👍101 👎77

the f-word's - video


The f-word's - what is it?

It stands fir a bad word, don't say it or your mommy might get mad at you. If you say it (even in private) you may as well have shot and killed your great great great great great great grandfather who invented fire so now fire never existed which means civilization is dead so congrats u killed everyone.

don't say the f word

👍43 👎17

What does "the f-word's" mean?

No It doesn't mean fuck. Its a British food Show hosted by Chef Gordan Ramsay. The show revolves around different food themes and recipes. Segments include Women in the Kitchen, cook-offs with Ramsay, challenges, and Gordan's livestock that he ends up serving on the series finale.

Person 1: So do you watch 30 min meals
Person 2: Fuck that show I watch a real cooking show I watch the F Word

👍81 👎45

The f-word's - what does it mean?

it is a magical word whitch is supposed to hide the true meaning of Fuck...

-Oh my God did you just say the "F"-word?
-What? "Jew"?

👍241 👎169

The f-word's - meaning

a word only used in formal conversation, if used outside of formal conversation you will be banned from life by God himself

guy 1: sup fucker
guy 2: sup *stubs toe* FUCK
guy 2: *disappears*

everyone: he shouldn't have said the F-word

👍45 👎17

The f-word's - definition

the word fuck(a euphemism that one can use to refer to the word without actually saying it)

Did you just say the the f-word in front of me?

👍509 👎269

The f-word's - slang

A word that usually means "fuck",but it can also be used to describe "faggot" or "fag"

A:Hey dude do you know about the f-word?
B:Shut up you fucking faggot

👍47 👎19

The f-word's

Another term that pussies, teachers, parents, or horny little kids use instead of "fuck". Since fuck is probably known as the "worst curse word" people like to substitute it. Here are some popular substitutions:

-Any word that starts with F that isn't surpassing 5 letters and isn't going below 4 letters. Also it should sound good when said in the sentence "*insert substitution here* you mooom!"

Teacher - Never say the f-word Billy!
Billy - Fuck you.

👍247 👎111

The f-word's

n A non-vulgar reference to the word, "Fuck".

n fuck

n F-u-c-k

He just said The "F" word.

👍355 👎117

The f-word's

euphamism for "Fuck"

I can't believe he said the F word on national television.

👍195 👎43