Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Earl Grey?

To have sex with a British woman.

Dexter was bored of Rita, and had to get him some Earl Grey

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the Earl Grey - video


The Earl Grey - what is it?

A Roblox Admin

Earl Grey the Admin is back on roblox

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What does "the Earl Grey" mean?

Earl Grey is an Extension from the slang word T (sounds like Tea) which is often used for the drug Crystal Meth.

Often used when talking in public or when texting a dealer, when some one want to buy. So that both persons can claim Plausible deniability.

- Hey, you got any Earl Grey?

1- You high?

2- yeah, smoked some Earl Grey and know I'm fucking Horny!

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The Earl Grey - what does it mean?

Gossip about someone or something that is dull, not very good, or not worthwhile

Jane has some Earl Grey. Should we listen?

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The Earl Grey - meaning

Teabagging for the over-50s

"How about a lovely bit of Earl Grey as a retirement gift, Martha?"

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The Earl Grey - definition

When a senior (or any man with grey pubic hair) gives another person a teabag.

Old man Buck gave Christina an Earl Grey.

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The Earl Grey - slang

The sexual act of urinating into your partners mouth, then dipping your scrotum into their mouth, full of urine.

"Want to have some Earl Grey? Bladders Full!"

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The Earl Grey

"earl grey" (verb):
lounge, while dressed in sweats/pyjamas/dancewear/costumes, drinking earl grey tea in a warm, comfortable environment

I am too tired to go out, can't we just have an earl grey night.

I had an earl grey day.

This dinner sucks, we should have just earl greyed

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The Earl Grey

1) A travelling magician that invented tea.

He travelled to a small indigenous village where the people smoked the leaves from a local tree.

Earl Grey turned up at the village on a rainbow stallion and showed the people his magical skills.
He also showed them that it was better to add the leaves they smoked to hot water to create a relaxing warm beverage.

This was the first time tea was consumed by a person.

2) A tea with a distinctive flavour that is named after it's creator, Earl Grey the magician.


1) "Thank you for making this tea for us Earl Grey, you magical being"

2) "Earl Grey is a delightful beverage"

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The Earl Grey

a very delicious tea, made from black tea leaves and oil of bergamot

deron kicked back with a cup of earl grey to unwind

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