Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tage?

Tage means being a Simp

Ah look at that simp, yeah he's a Tage

👍29 👎17

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tage meme gif

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Tage - what is it?

Evil in personalised

Oh thats such a tage thing to do

👍25 👎11

What does "tage" mean?

a synonym for taint or grundle

She likes to tickle my tage.

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Tage - what does it mean?

A really gay and heterophobic ginger, who does nothing but romanticize about black dude’s dicks

That faggot is such a Tage, am I right.

👍51 👎35

Tage - meaning

A person that always get the girls. Hes handsome, and very sexy. Everyone loves him and hes very kind. Hes great in bed and very clever. He would never give you up, let you down, run around or desert you. Tage is also great at most sports and everything else. Someone you need to have as a boyfriend.

My boyfriend is a real Tage.

I wish I had someone like Tage.
Yesterday i fucked with Tage, he was real good.

👍41 👎17

Tage - definition

Tage is a man who loves tacos to the point of making it a sexual action. Tages usually loves turtles or are one
Most of them are furry in disguise, they all love tacos and like to be called “sexy”

They take things wrong way example “UwU”

Very short people

Alec: why is he so short
Willeman: Thats a Tage

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Tage - slang

he is a typical retard and loves to masterbate to rick and morty he's mother is fiona

tage is a retard

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1. One who falls and gets concussions frequently

2. One who loves his girlfriend

3. One who rides a fixed gear bike.

4. A physics major

5. A septidon

I keep getting concussions, Im such a Tage.

Tage loves his girlfriend very much.

👍83 👎47


word to describe a womans boobs
created by the mooer
used in liverpool and merseyside

aye mate, check them tages at 3'oclock

what a pair of tages

what a tage-head

👍69 👎29


1)something extremely sexy.
2)a dangerous fall during a mountain biking accident.
3)the perfect guy every girl is looking for ;sporty, funny, gorgeous, remembers to call, sexy, not afraid of commitement, has the softest lips, great kisser, super cute, easy to talk to, supportive, completely irresistable, and thoughtful.
4)the prince in a fairytale.

That outfit is soo tage.

Oh no, that guy just did a tage!

He's no tage, but he'll do.

I've found my tage.

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