Definder - what does the word mean?

What is supreme patty?

A god

That nibba is a supreme patty

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supreme patty - video


Supreme patty - what is it?

(V.) Retarted, nothing else

The veggie boys and girls room is full of supreme patty fuckos

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What does "supreme patty" mean?

A dumbass person who smokes blunt and wears supreme. He thinks he's but he's an actual dick

Supreme Patty just smokes blunts.

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Supreme patty - what does it mean?


Hey supreme patty can I get your shrimp chain

Damn Bro you can get it on supreme all Chains watches accessories for free and are you are you do is swipe up swipe up to get iced up

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Supreme patty - meaning

A acne covered person who smokes weed and drinks lean, but still makes money off of it

Dude, that guy is such a Supreme Patty

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Supreme patty - definition

A social media influencer who appeals to young audiences by performing outrageous and idiotic stunts. He manipulates his young audience for monetary gain, going so far as to scam them with β€œfree jewelry” (dropshipping scam). He represents a lot of what is wrong with the world today.

β€œWhat kind of moron would squeeze lemons in their eyes repeatedly just for views on instagram?”
β€œSupreme Patty.”

β€œOnly the worst kind of person would blatantly manipulate children and steal their money.”
β€œThat person is Supreme Patty.”

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Supreme patty - slang

Someone who lives off of smoking blunts all day.

Bro Todd is such a supreme patty.

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