Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ICED UP?

The gallon of ice cream a female often indulges in, typically all in one night, after having conflicts with the opposite sex.

"Last night I had my break-up ice cream at one o clock in the morning again...I hope i didn't gain any weight."

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ICED UP - video


ICED UP - what is it?

to pour out/cut and snort cocaine.

Usually is said with the connotation that it is going to be fun or glamorous.

Said to excite those who intend to participate in the soon to be manipulated with and consumed cocaine.

"You guys want to party tonight?"

"Hell yeah, let's ICE IT UP!"

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What does "ICED UP" mean?

A catch all phrase created by โ€œThe Letterโ€™s Pageโ€ podcast to describe a situation that usually involves overkill! Some ways this phrase can be used include -

1 - completely solving a problem.
2 - stalling/procrastinating something for a long period of time.

3 - creating a large problem/challenge.

4 - literally completely covering something or someone in ice.

1 - โ€œHey Boss, Mr. Chomps and I finally figured out how to ice up the whole rat and finish those robots you needed! It was Bot-Tastic!โ€

2 - "I completely forgot about my proposal thatโ€™s due tomorrow for this genetic experiment! I've just been icing up the whole rat to finish it up!โ€

3 - "I really iced up the whole rat when tripped over this ancient relic in my friendโ€™s attic, I hope she doesnโ€™t noticeโ€ฆ Iโ€™m sure it will all work out though!โ€

4 - โ€œDid you hear what happened to Paul last week? He left his window open during that ice storm and really iced up that whole rat!โ€

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ICED UP - what does it mean?

this term is used mostly in Australian slang. because ice is crystal meth, and a goonbag can be described as a person under the right context a iced up goonbag is a sketchy person that is assumed to use ice. It can also be used to describe someones credibility like the second sentence below. Can also be used as iced goonbag.

"look at that cunt. he's a iced up goonbag". or "what do you know your just a iced up goonbag", "I am a wreck i must looked like a iced goonbag".

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ICED UP - meaning

synonymous for "your a little bitch" haha

Steve Smith to Talib "ice up son ice up"

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ICED UP - definition

Lacking bitches to such a severe degree that oneโ€™s penis has become cold due to there being little blood flow

โ€œHunter called me a fat bitchโ€ โ€˜That boy is iced up, his opinion donโ€™t matterโ€™

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ICED UP - slang

Covered in diamonds.

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Iced up means that you are wearing diamonds from your dome to your kicks...Possibly even have a diamond coming out your chocolate starfish

Jay-Z's 700k watch makes him iced up , baby!

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step your game up, quit talking and let your actions speak for you.

Smith to Talib "ICE UP SON, ICE UP"

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