Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SWIPE UP?

send nudes
"swipe up for a picture of my titties"

"swipe up for p" AKA a picture of ma tits

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SWIPE UP - video


SWIPE UP - what is it?

When a girl is giving you head and swipes her tongue over your a-hole.

Guy 1: "How did it go with that girl you met last night?"
Guy 2: " It was great! She gives the best head, she DID swipe up me and I think I liked it!"
Guy 1: "Bro..."

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What does "SWIPE UP" mean?

When you super like on tinder

I would defiantly swipe up on him! He's fire!

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SWIPE UP - what does it mean?

When people are annoying as fuck asking everyone to swipe up on their stories

Swipe upπŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ˜πŸ’ΈπŸŽ‰βœ¨

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SWIPE UP - meaning

When someone feels it is necessary to get feedback on their own personality from their Snapchat Friends.

John asks his Snapchat followers to swipe up and give feedback on his personality because in reality he has no friends. πŸ˜”

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