Definder - what does the word mean?

What is roka?

Rokas is the hottest sweetest guy alive, he has a pretty face and a beautiful body. If rokas is youre friend youll never be in need hes always there for anyone who needs him and will always care for the people he loves. Rokas is the nicest guy youll ever meet

Person 1 : ‘Do u know Rokas?’
Person 2 : ‘Yeah he saved my cat from a tree he’s literally the best’

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roka - meme gif

roka meme gif

roka - video


Roka - what is it?

Roka is a gorgeous man but with a very small dick, he has a good taste in women and loves his culture too much, he poses a lot and takes lots of things very serious.

omg hes just like roka...

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What does "roka" mean?

roku - is a moment that happened 1 year, 3 weeks, 5 days, 7 hours, 51 seconds ago... what happened is somebody got a call (thats roku) and mom said "goodbye roku-" that sentance was never finished..... 😭😭😭

"Rokas but roku" got a call

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Roka - what does it mean?

Roka tomi is a very kind-hearted, polite, sexy and tall person. Every girl falls in love with him, but he will break their heart because he's secretly gay.

-Omg look at Roka Tomi, he's hot!
-Yeah, but you're not tall enough for him.

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Roka - meaning

to be "so cool" or "so awesome" or "so amazing"

"man that's so roka!"
"senora lozzarro is so roka!"

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Roka - definition

Slang term to ask someone for homosexual intercourse.

hey bro roka pls?“

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Roka - slang

He is very cool and smart, makes any type of joke and is and always tells the truth.

wow rokas you are so funny

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A unique person that is so talented, funny and also lazy.
Insta @rokaskarica

Omg i didn't know she could do that! She is such a Roka.
Get up and do something with your life. Don't be a Roka!

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very cool guy.makes very funny jokes and always tells the thruth

wow rokas you are so funny and cool

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A gentleman who is consumed with thoughts of ladies and liquor. Not the best at English but he will cuss in three other languages!

"Rokas, want to see who can hold more liquor?"

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