Definder - what does the word mean?

What is r-Kelly?

to pee on someone....

See I roll around sittin' on dubs, cat and the mouse high on shrubs.. coolin' in my escalade man i'm paid i got it made. take me to your special place, close your eyes show me your face......I'm going to piss on it. Haters wanna hate, lovers wanna love, i dont even want none of the above i want to piss on you, yes i do, i piss on you i pee on, is that that ur body, ur body, is a portopotty, and i pee on it, like it knows karate(knows karate) imma pee on u, drip,drip,drip, pee on all on u, its on its on u.. u wont feel quite the same when you get a whiff of my hershey stains.. i wanna poop on u too, i wanna piss in ur food, the only the thing that makes my life complete is when i turn ur face to a toilet seat.. i want to piss on u, yes i do, yes i do i pee on u,i piss on.. wont u brade my head wont u brade my head

👍1267 👎475

r-Kelly - meme gif

r-Kelly meme gif

r-Kelly - video


R-Kelly - what is it?

hittin up a girl well below your age bracket

No one would go out with him so he had to R Kelly it.

👍195 👎61

What does "r-Kelly" mean?

When a older person male is trying to get with someone female much much younger than they are.

My boy wana holla at old is he??He's 22..Sorry but tell him to take his R-Kelly ass and go somwhere..i'm only 14.

👍751 👎261

R-Kelly - what does it mean?

1. The act of having sex with a minor
2. Someone who has sex with a minor

1. "Man shes only 12 years old! He pulled an R Kelly!"
2. "She was 12? He's such an R Kelly!"

👍1587 👎475

R-Kelly - meaning

When a male stands up and urinates on his underage partner after a sexual encounter.

When I was done with dat biotch I gave her an R. Kelly special and made her clean it up too.
I want to piss on you. Yes, I do.

👍2769 👎749

R-Kelly - definition

The act of pee'ing on someone

Quick guys John is r. kellying Josh!

👍57 👎13

R-Kelly - slang

A former 90's and early 2000's r&b singer. More famous for videos surfacing of him urinating on women during sex.

Essentially anything involving your feces and/or urine on another person could be called the R Kelly.

I felt like R Kelly after giving that skank a golden shower.

👍27 👎11


VERB - to urinate

Where's your restroom? I really need to take an R. Kelly.

👍105 👎21


The process of pissing all over a girls face who is 14 years of age or younger for sexual arrousal and total domination... Similiar to a golden shower but with girls 14 years or younger.

The old man pulled an R Kelly on the 14 year olf girl.

👍4035 👎801


1. A amazingly good R&B singer with amazing vocals, but VERY perverted lyrics.

2. One who bumps and grinds into 14-17 year olds faces (18 years not as fun WITH consent )

3. One who is trapped in the closet (with teens under 18)

4. One who believes they can fly (Like in the song)

5. The new michael jordan CRYING MEME is R kelly

6. Bill Cosby's newest cellmate

7. A pirate and a pedophile = ARRRRRRRR KELLY

8. Despite all this he STILL is a good singer who helped develop the 1990's LOVE MAKING (OR if UNlucky baby making) music

9. Keith Sweats rival

10. AN amazing singer who was a big help in making the 1990's the golden age of R&B, but is now being hated on cause his history with accusations of sex with girls under 18.

NOTE: This written by 15 year old so sorry for unprofessionalism (But afterall this is URBAN dictionary man so what u expect) Thanks fo reading

R Kelly has the vocals of an angel and KEITH SWEAT, the pervertedness of BILL COSBY and JARED from subway.

👍219 👎29